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Showing posts with the label camwhore

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Medan - 1st Day

Camwhore at airport while waiting to board the plane Hotel interior...reasonable 1st camwhore @ hotel before off for 1st night dinner in medan Place to sleep in Medan Medan City view from my room Beautiful sky As usual snap snap to kill my time At Jala Jala restaurant for my 1st night dinner

Krabi 1st Evening

LCCT - waiting for boarding @ Marrybrown My last nasi lemak before I miss this for at least another 5 days :( My only best shot from plane view on Krabi It was after raining - strolling down the Aunang beach with empty stomach looking for food Not to forget my 1st camwhore in Krabi.... kekekeke It was after rain and my camera was shaking so could not snap good photo and the board says ' SORRY CLOSED TODAY NOT HAVE ELECTRIC' kekekekekeke so cute! Finally! found my food near by the beach... While waiting for the food... Patiently waiting for my food.... and still waiting... After rain view is always beautiful and refreshing... Order hot water... and they give me hot water with lime and salt... errrr... that salt to kill the bacteria in the water??? or you want me to mix it and this water will taste like 100plus??? steam clam... natural taste Steam Seafood platter... tasty!!! My dessert for 1st night - Mango with Sticky rice.. yummyyyyy!!!

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