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Showing posts with the label earning online

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You Don't Even Acknowledge My Existence

  I am not sure what to write for this blog post title. It's just my rant about something. Yesterday, posted my achievement in earning money online on my FB timeline. I screenshot the highest month's Gross Revenue. The commission out of it is about 10% of the GR. I received some responses from that post. The likes and the comments. To be honest, that post was sort of a Social Experiment for the people who are following my FB. I saw some regulars like the post and notice some people who never like the post suddenly appear. Wow! To be honest, a bit bitter when saw someone who never like my other postings all this while responding to this one. Why? This kind of person is the one who only sees their benefits and is not sincere in building relationships. I despise this type of person. Where are you all this while? You never like my FB post or drop a comment to show your support for me. I have been donating your like to some of your postings.  I received a few DMs and comments on how


I was telling myself for weeks to service my car tyre. Today is the day to do so and I screwed up by waking up so late. Last night was an interesting and crucial night for me. I did brainstorming to myself on how to improve my online income. I just need to make it work aggressively. Oh ya! talking about my car tyre .... yeah! once I wake up late and the sun rose to my head I wouldn't want to get out from home anymore. Yeah! kind of Princess who could not take any heat to skin ehehehe.... End up on the online tutorial for 4 hours until my spine feel like freezing. Ah! I so need a Thai Massage after this. I have a good feeling on my latest project this time. Suddenly my confident level shoot up over my head. :) I like this feeling....Who knows people from overseas may invite me to be their speaker.... and I will spend my time earning to talk to people and same time travelling around the world.... mmmm never know... its all depends on God Will... only God knows... I just work towards

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