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Next morning, brought my family out to have breakfast near Lee Garden area. Took tuk tuk again TB100 for 5 of us. since I read in the internet many recommended Hamid Restaurant for Halal food. For 3 pre cooked cold fried rice and nasi lemak and 3 ancient tea aka teh tarik plus carrot juice... cost me TB510. WTH!!! RM51 just for bloody cold breakfast and the taste was bloody sucks!!! Hamid Restaurant in Hatyai...over rated!!!! in front of Hamid Restaurant, there is this man selling peanut chengmai. I bought 1 big packet  + 1 small packet for TB100. It taste fine...but it can be quite sticky in your mouth. While waiting for Lee Garden and the shopping malls nearby open...brought my parent to wait at Mc Cafe...bought them Green Tea and me with other sisters both have some Lattes. After the malls start ...all of us  shop around and round... Until my mum the way my mum insist to use her walking stick to walk around instead of wheel


  We took tuk tuk for TB100/ each person for van to our hotel. Just buy the coupon at airport. Reached Hotel around 2pm.  Late check in so late lunch. While waiting for late lunch ...the coconut ice cream is calling... The food I ordered for family...since all don't want to make decision...there you go...freaking spicy seafood tomyam , seafood salad and fried chicken for them. After late lunch...let them rest in the hotel then me...went down for 2 hours massage...serious only cost me 300 baht for 2 hours. Late evening...went out to Asean Trade Market...thought of walking and look around...but since came here with old people ...after almost 20 minutes journey by tuk tuk. I only can walk around here for around 10 minutes. Mum said..nothing to see here and nothing to buy...ooooo ok... Go back hotel and pack some food for them. food was sucks!!! My sis bought fried fish paste and the taste was sucks!!!! serious

I am sick but still flying out

I was so sick this morning but still dragged myself out from bed to work. Trying my best to finish off my work but yet my body is totally against me. OK ! Fine...lets go back home ...body!!! Yeay...guess when you sick all the bad thing seems like magnet to you. It was jammed as usual...gosh!!! I noticed the car behind follow me closely....WTH!!! I knew it ! I knew it!!! this going to happen. He kiss my sexy butt!!! OMG!!!! This fella... Yup!!! as a single woman drive I shouldn't stop right... Oh well ...not that I proud because I just go myself in danger... I just forgot what situation am I right at that time... All I know when that car hit me... I just up!!! I get out from my car. Look at my car behind...then after ensure no damage....I glance at him..I mean the other driver..that fella seems not too care to even lift his butt our from that car or even say sorry... F!!! that arrogant fella... Wish you bad luck! I know I know...I am

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