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Instant Mother and millionaire in foreign Land

Here I am at the foreign land becoming a mother to almost everybody I met. They called me 'IBU'. Ibu Ismail! I suddenly have too many Father as everywhere I go I need to call them Bapak. wahahahaha... to many of them... which one is the real one? Too many ibu? which one is my real mummy??? wahahahaha almost crazy! I carried millions of cash and suddenly spend millions at other country. My public toilet fee cost me between 1k - 2k. Whoa!!!!!Total culture shocked! As mentioned 1st night gone as the journey took very long time suppose 3 hours journey and took me 6 hours to reach there. A view before the immigration check out at Soekarno Airport My 1st cam whore... see my pimples started to emerge due to this long journey Transit & transfer sign Yeah! I saw many of them waiting outside Trying my best to understand what they trying to say... This one I understand and I find their advertisment visual are very attractive and cheeky Garuda Air my personal TV screen 2nd camwhor

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