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Showing posts with the label ketupat

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Self Kuta Legian Touring - part 1

Since my connection is so out and I am freaking busy with my work today. There will be a part 2 for my 23rd Dec 2010 self touring Kuta - Legian. It was hot and sunny day, I am wondering what its like to walk under the hot sun and touring like one lost woman in a foreign land. So cover up myself with lots of sunblock. Armed with one bottle of mineral water to satisfy my thirst. Opppsss passport and some cash... yeay! I am a foreigner here. I started walking around 10.30am and end my journey almost afternoon around 3.00pm. I have no specific direction but just walk and walk and walk since the road always end up to the beach. Poor ox in Indon... they end up with no butt due to this dishes I found ketupat in Bali... the price is sky high... Why did I took this photo? I don't have a clue myself kekekeke....random shoot iguess What is he selling... I noticed this kind of street pedlers everywhere and i believe this is children toys Pantai Legian!!!!!! They bare it sunny day..

We come in a package

Wow! nice Wednesday morning traffic. If I know the road going to be this smooth ,I should have stop at that Petronas station to reload my smart tag. The balance is running low. I can't even enter KLCC with my smart tag. I guess they only accept RM30 and above. hahaha.. Look like everybody is back to their respective hometown. I am imagining everybody busy wrapping the 'ketupat' and 'bakar' the 'lemang'. I miss those days! I don't mean I miss me doing all those things. Hehehehe... me love to eat and being bossy around only kekeke... I am not one person who will get excited with baking the cookies or something. I like to see all those pretty cookies and listen to their fantastic name but not so very keen in eating those thing. Feeling a bit lazy to drive north on Friday morning at 3.30am but I oblige to do so. Today that fella aka my pot rice is flying out from Yangon to KL. Then tomorrow will be a hectic day for me. Hopefully don't have to be at work

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