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Showing posts with the label kpop

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Various Monday

Its Monday again! Last two days , I start to hit the treadmill again. Saturday run 5km in 53 minutes.....consider ok with my 'lazy ass' attitude. OMO!!! Half year gone! My resolution to loose 8kg still not moving. I can see the number increase and never show me the sign of going down. I have no time to loose anymore. I am going to my fantasy world in 4 months time..... I need to look good, healthy and beautiful.... So...starting from now... I will emphasis on my body work out seriously! Sunday improve with 5.5km in 56 minutes. I was very 'fire up' to loose all the flabbies. I need to look 'kpop'. Owwwhhh!!! guess how many calories I burn up with that timing and distance???? OMG!!!! less than 110 cals. OMO!!!!!! With all the sweat and my muscle pain now???? merely less 110 cals??? Look like I have long way to go and hard work to do to work out this body....haisshhhh! Talking about teeth tooth teeth.... I went to see the dentist Friday ev

Trying to loose weight

I was trying hard to eat healthily this week. Monday morning breakfast oat blend with strawberries, anlene milk and yogurt. I have spinach soup with 2 beancurd and then I skip dinner. At night continue my dance routine of kpop song for an hour. Result for Monday.....uhuhuhuhuhu can't sleep because too hungry. Tuesday morning, compensate with half plate of 'nasi lemak' (yeah! the most fattening food in Malaysia)kekekekeke... here goes my healthy diet. Obviously , my dream to have 'S' line pass by just like that.huhuhuhuhuhu Nowadays, I feel I am so lack of discipline:( Yesterday, I received a call from one candidate who sent his resume via online. Yeah! I read his application but just not ready to interview him yet due to his technical background. I need suitable technical staff to interview him. He kind of oversold himself calling to my office at least 4 times. I come to extend to instruct my girl not to put him through to me. I took his first call and he keep sell

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