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Showing posts with the label krabi tiger cave

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Krabi -2nd Day Tiger Cave 2

Natural Thai Beauty... hehehehe Finally found the budha after long hot journey... i saw one skeleton in the glass too but dare not snap photo coz afraid the soul follow me back... natural falls Unique floating root with leaves all over Don't really remember what the hell is this scene

Krabi - 2nd Day Jungle Trail

No revealing wear.... the stairs to the tiger cave is very high.... there is another one which I have to climb 2137 staircase.... i rather go for this one... enough to make me breathless.. 'Handy Monk' Small rock garden little pagoda Sale Banana for monkey???? something wrong somewhere !!! Slae Sugar can???? mmmmm maybe another way of spelling sugar cane This is the banana for monkey Hot day... need some ice to satisfy my thirst I ate Paddle pop elemagika in krabi???? My diet coke and nescafe... one monkey is aiming for my drinks Lotus blossom ---pretty!!!! Whale skeleton Protect the dustbin from the monkey... chain it lock it prison it... Clear clear sky at Tiger temple I am thirsty too yum yum yum Cat : "I am closer to God" Abondoned temple mega project The Dragon guardian of giant pagoda Guardians and one joker... hehehehe Lotus lotus golden tree and the guardian lotus lotus lotus I didn't join the elephant trekking tour due to I pity the elephan

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