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Showing posts with the label lake tamblingan

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Bedugul Part 2

Bedugul Trip - Part 2. Snap snap at Tamblingan Lake and Ulun Danu Temple. This is Tamblingan Lake from Botanical Garden...Fresh air, marvellous view.... OMG .... God are too great to creat such a magnificiet view like this ... i enjoy it here... love it love it Ulun Danu temple the floating temple above Lake Bratan.... another wonders... I just love the feeling to be here finally in middle of the lake wonder whether the foundation can stand that long... A Frog as guardian Under hot sun and windy ... i still cam whore owwhhh!!! i am so brownie since yesterday was at beaches..... by this time my energy getting slowing down because I am too hungry Look at that!!!!! Floating bamboo too

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