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Showing posts with the label let go

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Not easy

Yeay! my officemate gave me one jar of CNY homemade cookies... Yummy... thanks to her mum. I have chance to taste Dragon cookies, chocolate chips,cashew nuts cookies, peanut cookies,green pea cookies, pineapple tarts, butter cookies and ... owwhhhh did I left out anything??? mmmmm all in my stomach. hehehe...Thank you Auntie... xie xie nie ...I get myself one Chinese Godmother hahahaha... suppose to take photo of all that yummy cookies but lazy me to do so. After holiday...I am looking forward for another holiday. My life at working place is the hectic one abnd I wish I could duplicate myself and finish all. But I have been evolve... I take one at the time and not like before... I was like want to do everything at one go and give pressure to myself. Of course certain time I will deviate from the track...kekekeke but manage to let go certain things and close one of eyes and try to lead my life happier.... Life is short like many people says.... When you back home and your old folks dema

Let Go

My devoted 10 years Kembara finally leave me just now.(Sold off) Although , I feel sad but I have to do all this because its all natural law. When you get new one, we leave the old one. I spend 1 hour crying in my Kembara last night. Flash back all our sweet and bitter memories together. I love you darling! I don't mean it but you are useless for me now... I have to make a choice.Sounds cruel but decision need to be made. Thought of snapping a photo but can't do that. Bad omen! as usual me and my ridiculous belief again! My new Citra, long journey together ahead of us. Hope you can do a good job for me. I still need to get use to this car. Too long for parking. Heavy though! When i complained this to my friends , he were saying that thank god I don't get Dimax or Storm as what i wanted earlier, if not major problem! Yeah! true lah my friend I may end up just drive to work and home without stopping anywhere else coz major problem to park hahaha... again me and my insecure

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