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Short listed candidates

I was following up on my shorlisted candidates, and to my amaze all this young people really have one kind of attitude. 1st candidate - we gave her nickname of 'Tomboy' since she dress up like a boy not a girl. The 'Tomboy'gave me positive answer since she is over positive despite we painted her the tough job she is going to face, ah! I am the one feel worried on her behalf. Yu ! she is joining us on 1st Oct 2009. 2nd candidate - we gave her nickname as MD since her ambition to be MD of the company within 5 years. Very ambitious! But hey! I don't know what sort of MD she is going to since she can't even decide on taking up the offer and everything seems not so clear to her despite being told and briefed many times. I kind of not dislike her from the start since she have the potential to be one of those b@#$ in the office. My Boss like her! Whatever! she is not joining us... Thats my decision for sure! 3rd candidate - we called her 'snow white' since she

Is there any hope left for me?

Today.. is most challenging day! Fasting can't drink, I don't bother too much about cannot eat at all. But can't drink? Today my 5th recruitment day. I have been seeing almost 4 candidates and talk and talk. I find a lil bit difficult can't drink even a drop of water but yet need to talk a lot. Most candidates are 2/10... where are all the good one??? Then here goes one bad news coming and disturb my emotion. Ah! here goes my hope... I feel very very down right after. Its my only hope! Why God just don't want to give me the chance? Am I that bad?? I feel giving up... but being me by nature, I will fight to the end although I will hurt. I will continue feeling down tonight and hope can be positive back again like I always did. Cindyrina way of living her life!!! Gambatei!!!! Gambatei, Cindyrina!!! I went to Tropicana City Mall to buy my food. Nothing much I can eat there.. End up buying waffles and spring roll for my break! Nice??? mmmm 2 star out of 10 hahahah since

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