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Showing posts with the label maintainence weekend

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Maintainence Weekend

I am trying my best to motivate myself to live happily! Too much money spend these 3 weeks... This is what people say... earn money spend money uwwaaaaaa... I want to save my money. I went to my dermathologist again for my big spot pigmentation. Yeah !!! another 2 weeks need to avoid sun. I went to dentist again just now and the doctor give me treatment and can' t use my right teeth to chew or eat. My left one not that useful too due the the jaw disc probs. Can't put too much pressure on this side too...Now the doc advise me to continue wearing my ugly splint... ah! hate it! So my solution drink cereal and eat porridge. My body aching too... when you in mid age that the way ahak ahak... hurt here pain there... walaowei... endless problems and maintainence...

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