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At Peace

When out of the blue I feel like watching Hindi movie. I end up watching Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham. Woh! I am crying over this movie. :( Yeah! it is good to clean my eyes with tears once a while. mmmm I never feel so peaceful like this. Live day by day and work as it is. Trying my best but at same time not to push myself too hard like last time. I seriously at peace. I dont know whether this is suppose to be good or otherwise. Anyway, I kind of get use to this. Hopefully , this could improve my health. My bunion feet is killing me at night and the size getting worst. Am I going to end up handicapped. My research result to operation is just temporary solution and will be at 50:50. Scary to think about this. For the first time at work , I had started planning for my whole year annual leave. I just can't wait for my 4th Quarter to come. Pray for long live to this date. I want to visit the place I longing for all this while. I can feel I was there last life. I just want to visit this pla

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