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I am not a good photographer to capture a good photo. Most friend who knows me will criticize my photo skill...kaw kaw..OMO Anyway, I have my own unique One of my favourite place at One U is their UR level Secret Garden. WTH! not that Korean Drama Secret Garden with Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won...but this is a GARDEN with all the plants and flowers. Last week was there to watch The Journey. I was wondering whether many beautiful flowers will blooming at this quickly dragged Chinggu up to see them. Chinggu was grumbling we were late for the movie after me spending too much time of whoa..wheeee... whoa...wheee... looking at beautiful flowers. Hahahaha... pardon me! really can't help it  for that Whoa wheee moment every time see beautiful things in front of me. What can I say??? ....God, you are awesome to create such beautiful flowers and plant for us the earth creatures to enjoy. Thank you God for giving me such good eye sigh

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