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Showing posts with the label pumpkin soup

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Simple Ramadhan Feast

This ramadhan , I didn't buy much food during weekdays. Most of the time cook my own meal. Just a simple one will do...for me.     Sometimes..I end up with this plain pumpkin soup...aiyoh! lazy to blend just much it and swallow will do.   during lazy time...this instant porridge from Maggi become my iftar meal..I just add in sesame oil and lots of veggies in.   I normally started my iftar with some fruits like turkey apricot   and sometimes cherries...   Like Chingu said ...I have expensive and rich woman taste. I only eat those fruits...especially the cherries which is the must have in my fridge now... Can't blame me...this is the easiest to eat among all the fruits. Why? You wash it and just eat it. It not too big like apples or pears. It so small and I definitely can finish it1


Weather in Bagan is freaking hot, yo! Me when travel end up become a real fact I am trying to avoid meat and seafood if I can. But not that hardcore la.....huhuhuhuh Even my diet now improve with beansprout and baby carrot for my meal....huhuhuh raw ok. Yeah!  trying my best to be kind to animal!     Kyaw Swe brought me to this famous 'THE MOON' vegetarian restaurant near famous Ananda Temple. This Restaurant is highly recommended by Tripadvisor.   appertiser ...ground nuts...small ground nuts and I call this cute adorable ground nut and it tasty. I bought back ...huhuhuhuh as if here can't find ground nut..hahaha Anyway , Bagan agri industry consist of ground nut, sesame, soy bean and other I don't know hehehe can't remember... Kyaw Swe did told me more but I forgotten hehehehe.   nice set up although under the hot sun, I still find this place is cozy to have meal     i ordered a refreshing strawberry

Pumpkin Adventure

Oh! Three days staying at home I dare myself to experience different type of culinary skills. Asian - Fried Koay Teow Italian - Seafood Pasta Western - Pumpkin soup and Pumpkin cake Ahahahahahaha... talk about my pumpkin cake. How does this started???? I bought one big pumpkin. After too much hassle peeling off the thick and hard skin of that pumkin. I boiled it and blend it then boiled it into 3 different falvour. 1st pumpkin soup flavour - Original without any additional flavour add in 2nd flavour - Chicken stock and salt add in 3rd Floavour - butter, cinnamon, salt My verdict - I like the 3rd one. It taste more milky and smooth But imagine I boiled one whole pumpkin soup and only me alone to finish it. Even to drink that pumpkin soup for the whole day make me wanna throw up pumpkin. I decided to convert the remaining pumkin soup into cake. how to bake a cake? I never bake a cake before.... :) I watched the cooking show before, what I need is : * Flour - I have wholemeal wheat flour

3 days

Long weekend but I don't feel like I achieve anything in these 3 days. I was trying my best to forget about work but the calls and sms related to work really disturb and spoil my peaceful weekend. Ah! they are just plain idiotic! That is how I look at all those people who had called me. Trying my best to keep myself calm and not to get too angry for all these nonsense buy hey.... the fun need to continue. Doing some research on my latest project though! I did not go out at all these 3 days. stayed at home and cook my own meal hahahaha... no photo though . So don't hope for it! :) My menu... * Fried Koay Teow * Seafood with mushroom soup * Pumpkin soup with roll wholemeal bread * Sardine puff I like it.... and tomorrow is the day... and what am I suppose to say to all these people when I am to stand in front of them tomorrow? Let us ROCK!!!!! hahahahaha yeah I am loosing my mind right now! Let me rest for awhile. Give me a break! They have disturbing me again since this morning

Sunday Afternoon@Levain

Levain Boulangerie Patisserie @ No. 7, Jalan Delima Kuala Lumpur I am Dom... Bran Dom.. Match Box salad Freakonomic??? Jamie?? Jamie getting smaller and smaller or am I getting bigger and bigger??? Shawl from Jamie all the way from Cambodia.... I like the casing Peace Dom Peace no more fight I told you no more fighting... here come my scorpion bite... aishhhhh.. Watch it baby!!!! talk to my hand.... Oh Tuhan!!!! berikan la aku cahaya yang terang... ooppppsss masa depan yang cerah, i mean.. Dry Curry Pasta ahahahahaha.... book again??? ahahahaha book again... Thank you Dom & Jamie... beautiful and thoughtful gift.. i love it Finally .... come to mama come to mama Feminine side of me... ayu tak??? French twist???? or one twisted lady??? Jamie is drowning by the size of both of her friends... I like this shot very much Busy with their gadget.... ready to shoot.... Talent yang sesat over acting expression... cut!!!! you suppose to make that bread look yummy dom... not creepy!!

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