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Showing posts with the label raya cookies

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Its all about that Raya cookies

Long time never write a random post like this.  Too many beauty review post. I also feel like wanna throw up to read my own blog. So called personal online diary. WTH! totally out of the original intention and full of advertisement. Haihhhh!!! well don't blame me. Suddenly become 'hot' blogger. kekeke.. Today is the last day of working before off for a long weekend festive holiday. I was working hard since morning today. WTH! I will be back to office on Thursday though. I have new opportunity appointment that day. ahahaha...cross my fingers and hope for luck! I won't put high hope. It suddenly came to me and to me no harm to get to know and explore if its suitable. If you are asking me what is my preparation for 'Hari Raya' Celebration. Well nothing much. In fact there is no need to prepare anything. To me 'Hari Raya' Celebration is just to celebrate after 30 days of fasting. I don't even buy any 'raya' clothings. For what? I d

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