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Shopping Time with SGshop

Online shopping is not surprisingly 'dirt cheap' if you really find a good supplier. You can get almost everything with a price that doesn't even burn your wallet. Unfortunately, most of these sellers are from Chinese e-commerce website. I usually shop through my trusted online agent SGshop. I have been using their service for many years now. SGshop eliminates many barriers for me and makes online shopping cross border a lot easier. 1. Communication  The language barrier is always a problem for a non-Chinese speaker like me. Sometimes the product photo looks super tempting to buy but unable to read the Chinese character for the details descriptions since the website is in Chinese without any translation options. Worst if I am looking for something for specific in particular but hard to communicate this to the potential seller at the other end of the world. At SGshop they listed all items in English and with easier understandable descriptions.  2. Payment


image source from search Although I am not a shopaholic from physical store but I consider myself a shopaholic through online store. Mainly direct from China. WTH! I almost don't buy anything from local store. Since early this year my parcel came like almost twice a month. ngehehehehehe...Talking about shopping therapy! For some people looking down at item from China...I will be like...duhhhh!!! what you least two items are from China. Most item these days are made in China. So, to me buying direct are way cheaper with such a huge wholesale market in China. Most physical and online store nowadays source their goods from there. However, there are times when your shopping spree become a hell spree especially for somebody who don't even speak Chinese and goshhhh...we don't even know who you dealing with at the other side of country. There are many times...... Disaster waiting for you when you do direct online shopping  from China such a

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