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Showing posts with the label sleeping pills

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Learning to let go

I was sleeping like a baby last night. So happy finally I experience the feeling of having a good night sleep. Too tired. I think I went off almost 12 midnight. Yeah! Cinderella style. My reading session last night is really meaningful. I learn many things from the book I bought. Many of us have thought what we have read from the book, it just we never written it down like those authors who are earning the cash out of what they wrote. We read it. So what? Do we really dare to apply in real life. Reading from the book is just theory but the most important is to dare yourself to practice what you have read. It is experience from other by accident and they are now telling it as a story. Here are something I pick up from the book that interest me a lot. " Where you are in your present situation is not nearly important as where you are going in your life." " All successful living is about direction, and as long as you consistently move in the direction of your dreams, you are...

Life is still extreme

Yeay!!!!! holiday..... so happy. I slept around 1am last night and thought of get myself over the line until at least 10am. Urgghhhhh! suddenly my shontelle 'Perfect nightmare' ringing to my ears. uwwaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Only 7.40am woooorrrrr!!!! Boss what you want??? I want to sleep!!!! I want to roll and roll again on my bed. Its still early!!!1 My heart protest before answer his call. Yeah! call me when he is on the way to airport. Last night already in communication over sms until almost 10.30pm. Miss me too much. hahaha... ok ok I give you chance until I get you one hot babe as your PA. Then I can get my life back. cindyrina!!!! Fighting!!!! I thought of continue rolling like a spring roll on the bed but then decided to on my Zumba exercise. Yeay! lets Zumba!!!!! I thought of doing some cleaning later on... as usual when it come to that , suddenly I feel sick!!!! hehehehe one sickness call L A Z Y!!! I end up continue my research on Bunion and try to find the best treatment and...

My Independence Day Celebration

On 30th Aug 2010, I woke up with a half dead body. I was purging and my head feel heavy and my body was aching. I was unwell since the past few weeks and that morning was the worst. I drove to work with half eyes open and manage to reach Citibank Tower safely unhurt. When I reach office , locked my room door and continue sleeping on the carpet , dirty or not dirty I don't give a damn anymore. All I care my head feel very heavy and body feeling so weak. Start 8.30am, I am trying my best to maintain strong in front of everybody. Yeah! again try to be wonder woman! By 1.00pm, again I locked myself in my room and lie down flat on the floor. Make thing worst, I was fasting and forgot to bring my jacket. It was so cold and my sickness still there and getting worsen. I keep telling myself , I need to be strong and tomorrow is a holiday, I can rest and rest and rest. I was waiting for 5.30pm to drive back home. Guess where am I on eve of Independence Day??? This is the history of my life f...

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