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Showing posts with the label transformer 3

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Movie Marathon

Sunday morning!!!!! Love the feeling of peacefulness. Today's breakfast with omellete with Shitake and parmesan cheese and one freshly bake wholemeal farmer roll bread. Oh! one long black coffee.... Thank God for the good food. I am bless! Yesterday was my movies marathon day. Transformer 3 and Harry Potter back to back session. I kind of like Transformer 3 even though the story line is stereotype. Well, what do you expect from Michael Bay direction? One of the movie scene , the part when that Sam Witwicky went for an interview with that old man with white shirt. That scene remind me to my interview session. Look a like scene after I change my strategy of interviewing .... hahahaha hillarious scene when I got to see myself live... oh! of course I look much more better than that old man. When I was in between running towards my Harry Potter, there is this father and son conversation which I could not resist to eardrop. Yeah! nosy woman just can't drop her bad habit.

Looking for Accounts Assistant - Day 3

Wet Friday! But wet or dry .... its Friday everyone!!!!!! I like it! Today my staff almost drop their jaw to see many candidates coming in non stop. That means I double booked myself to see those people. Well... I did this on purpose. I just want to see how human re act on competition. I asked them to be place in the same room while filling up the forms. At least 5 - 6 of them in the same room as early as 9.30am. My interview for the day stop at 1.30pm. Just nice for my lunch. I am not going to write anything about the candidates tonight. Tired I guess. Not much different but bearable and I made my decision by evening. Oooopppsss!!! today I make one candidate cried. Not in purpose hope because she reflect after seeing me. If she feel down after meeting me today... hope God will forgive me because God knows I don't intentionally but my mean is to make them wake up from our government lullaby. Of course, gather my staff and discuss about my choice of new team memb

Week after Bersih Rally

Lazy week after bersih rally last weekend. Traffic was horrible than previous. After the Bersih rally then everyday you will read in the news on people getting who to blame. We will read about the victim and the assailant news. People fight for their right and the rise of the people and many more. People died people survive and so on and on. All this never stop and happening in every part of the world. They just different in the own way but same because at the end they just come to one ultimate needs to fulfill. Power! Yes many thirst for power many hunger for money many feel they are at right. We fight like this but at the end we still leave all this behind when we leave the world. Who is the ultimate winner??? Almighty God is great! Why can't they live happily and peacefully? Yeah! all this will be only in my fairy tales sweet dream story. I am watching Harry Potter this weekend. Transformer 3 you still have to wait! Harry Potter first!

Bersih Road closure

Still at Bersih ? Yeah! expected road closure and road block everywhere in klang valley. Few part that I know will be closed, Dataran Merdeka , Jln Duta, Federal Highway,Jln Raja Laut,Lebuh Ampang and many more to list down. My friends over twitter were saying it started very early. It just a peace rally for goodness sake! Why make it sound so like we are at war??? Sometimes when people are afraid for the truth to come out ... ....oh! whatever!!!! Just stay at home and bersih your house ok. So everybody let us pray for our internet connection not disturb by this people who like power so much. If something wrong my internet connection tomorrow I will be like crazy woman staring at my idiot box. Transformer 3 bye bye... I see you next week. I downloaded my City Hunter continuation episode yesterday just waiting for the sub to be out. Last night reached home around 10.30pm with my tired body. Tonight I want to rest with peace of mind. Oh yes!!!! my Sep  5 days Annual Le

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