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Showing posts with the label what to eat

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Treat Yourself Today By These Delicious Foods From New Cafe in KL : Waffles, Meatballs and Coffee

Basically, whenever it comes to desserts, the 1st thing that comes to majority minds are either Ice-Creams or Cakes. Am I right? But how about waffles? Waffles certainly need no introduction these days. Spongy on the inside and resoundingly crispy on the outside. An amazing waffle is like a canvas that can be made into a delightful dessert or savoury treat. Be it with only Honey and Butter or Chicken with Herbs on a waffle!  There are plenty of cafes that serve up phenomenal various types of waffles paired with delicious meatball pasta as your main dish and crafted coffee altogether in one venue. I have compiled a compendium of waffles that are known to cause addiction mania. No worries! Let me share them with you.  TGT in life  Ever heard of the name of this restaurant? For your information, Tgt In Life offers sensational savoury and sweet waffles, meatballs oozing with cheese, and a wine selection that focuses on astounding tasting experience. Not forgetting their aw

A walk to remember

Like many others... I have memories to remember my younger time. The smells of refreshing 'old trees'.... Calming green lake.... Peaceful view of tree branches bowing down to the water... What a lovely scene.... I just love this beautiful nature... I want to remember this forever....     For old time memory sake....hhehehehe ...WTH!!!!   Oh Gosh!!!!! ridiculous scene...trying to do the surfing pose...WTH!!!! I guess my photographer almost rolling to the ground trying to capture me...WTH!!!   'Chatime' at Taiping Lake Garden   This is nothing got to do with lake garden but trying my best to be a obedient daughter... By eating this 'roti telur' for breakfast???? Nay!!!!!! Waking up early morning... and that morning happen to be raining day... The feeling to force yourself to get out of warm comfortable blanket...Gosh!!!! For my parent sake.... End up volunteering to drive them to morning market....ear

Lazy Sunday

Yeah! so lazy .... Don't feel like going out. Don't feel like eating. Don't feel like doing anything. I need to start singing that one of Bruno mars song called 'Lazy Song'. My weekend almost ending and my achievement is.... I manage to hang up all clothes lying on the floor in my 'Princess Little Boutique'. OK ok ... not an easy task..... but I am happy finally that room is not in a mess anymore. Don't feel like eating but still need to eat that will be another problem for me. What to eat???

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