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Its Friday

Its Friday... trying to put up my high spirit in place. Try to dress well, put up more and more make up with hoping I can change my face to Megan Fox or Maggie Q or something ahahahaha yeah! in my sweetest dream. No matter how well I dress and how pretty is my make up , I am still plain fat RINA! sigh!!!!! Yes! I am still unstable this few days. One of our employee is leaving AGAIN! Another farewell to plan.. hate this! My responsibility increases by at least 300% more. I feel numb numb numb... With new office set up coming in , I don't know how to arrange my time to do my work. I smells trouble and trouble. Pepole say we need to stay positive and open mind. But in this case , I feel my positiveness and my strong self motivated attitude comes toward an end. I will SURVIVE!!! I guess.... I am waiting for my Prince to save me but still can't see him... where the hell are you??? I will only wait for you until next then i will shut my door.

Now I realise

Looking at this photo , now I realise I am very fat and short. Look a lil bit like mushroom though! Sigh! How can I make myself taller at this age? How can I reduce at least another 7 kg? Hard to acieve for time being and I have thousand reasons in store... hhihihih Trying hard to start out my learning journal for my LD individual assignment... loose the point though. I identified 3 assessment tools and completed only 2 assessment while watching my Goo Jun Pyo again... mmmmm just in love with that character so much and I wish I am Geum Jan Di the love interest on f Jun Pyon in the series. How I wish this become reality!!!! Yeah ! going to bed soon it 12.00 midnight. Tomorrow need go to work... Continue my assignment tommorrow le... Thank God ! I have done my portion of Group Assignment for LD. Let them settle their part and hopefully can get final draft by Friday.

Here goes another one

Woke up with bad swollen throat! Not a flue a cough or even a fever but just swollen and painful throat. Weird! As usual went to office trying to keep my spirit motivated , until.... My Snr Accounts Exec slapped me with his resignation letter... Ah! expected.. but not so soon though.. I broke down deep in my heart but lucky still maintain my composure.. Damn it! When I am strategising to walk away here goes block here and there... Now it will be back to more burden.. Now I feel so helpless.. Life seriously not so easy for me. Every single sen I earned its like getting a coin out from volcano mountain. Seriously , deep in my heart I feel more and more sick! However, I take it as another challenge and this motivate me to move on from here soonest possible. On the way back pay a visit to Doctor. as expected got myself antibiotic and another tablet don't really know for what just swallow it all! My mind just blank. I didn't take my lunch. Why? Whatelse? work and work like a slave t

Lying Naked

Wake up in the morning with a sore throat. Thank God ! I still have my voice because I am suppose to present this morning. Ah! feeling lazy to drive to class and lend my ears to LD lecture for almost 9 hours.. Sigh! I am so suffering.. I think so does my other coursemate hihihi.. Nervous breakdown and butterflies in my stomache waiting for my turn to present ,Not so obvious this time. Although , few of my coursemate commented I talk like a soldier..aishhh! what you expect? I just wanted to get over it and quickly and ran back to my place. My whole body was shivering... hehehehe yeah! that one cannot help it! Right after class I went for a pampering moment... yeah! naughty me again.. but this time apart from just having rejuvenate Thai Massage, I add in Body Scrub and Boreh Mask package. Yeah! cost me a bomb and look like need to 'Puasa' for 2 weeks hahaha... I don't mind though! I just love the feeling so good and satisfying! Hard earn money... I need that pampering.. Oh ya

No pain no Gain

My mood swing getting bad and bad, partly because I am too exhausted these few weeks. Not enough rest and sleep! My freaking client ' so called my employer' drive me nuts! Yeah! I treat all my employers like my client. I am so called providing services to them and they will pay me for my services. I have been putting up with this one for almost 3 years. I want to end my services soonest possible. By hook or by crook I need to find my way out from this place. I am telling myself over and over again , I will push myself harder and harder to make this happen. Not simply exit from this place but also prepare myself for good future. I have plan and in the midst of expidite this plan but I have to expect my life will be like hell this few months. Hopefully everyting will be in place by Christmas this year. I have to sacrifice many things from now on... Life getting harder when you are determined to achieve something! No pain no Gain.. I will marked this phrase... i will paste this ph

Entertainment for D Day

I just reached home when my phone rang. I answered the call and one lady start scolding me. She were saying my telephone number in her husband phone and she read all those romantically sms between her husband and so called 'me'. I tried to stop her attack but she dont even give me a chance to interrupt. sigh! I just want to ask what number is she dialing. Thats all! She keep shouting me slut! whore! and on an on and on... I can just hang up the call but I pity her so angry like mad person and afraid she kill herself right after I hang up. So I just kept quiete and listen to her for almost 5 minutes accusation on so called 'me'. She then realised the silenceness on my end. Then she start " hello hello are you listening to me WHORE!" I replied "Yeah! I am listening! Go on..." The she said " You bitch!" di di da da di da... and on and on.. Then I asked her " Hi lady! what number are you trying to call? and who is the person you lookin

On the way there

Since last weekend , my spirit getting 'fire up'! I know I can do it this time. I hope it will work this time. I am preparing myself for the interview which is hopefully happen somewhere on mid Sep 2009. If everything fine, I will be busy busy busy for the store opening before Christmas or New Year 2010! Currently, I am busy studying on product and system - prepare myself with good presentation on mid Sep 2009. I don't want this to be a normal interview. I want it to be remembered for somebody who are well prepared and high potential. I want to be outstanding! This week is my new term and class coming up - its tomorrow actually. Leadership Dynamic! Still in the dark no sign of grouping arrangement yet. I read the study guide there will be more and more presentation coming up! ah.. butterflies in my tummy again.. Hopefully can finish my MBA + one Store to manage by end of this year.

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