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Paradigm Mall - Tea Garden

We went traditional by eating this rice steamed cake tea time      Yau Char Kueh and beancurd with peanut sauce soya cincau  happy face because too full hehehehe

Kitchen Disaster - Overtoasted Tortilla

Yup!!!! this is how it look like when I started to bake something in the oven. All my chinggu keep telling me the same thing over and over again. I need to change my setting and I end up totally forgotten about this and here goes the result is too obvious! What is this suppose to be???? Toast totilla with strawberry and peanut butter. Is this edible to eat??? Minus the bitter taste... and for sure I know this totilla is crunchy..eheh! mmmm...hell NO!!!! End up in the trash straight....the whole kitchen was smoking hot!!! Here goes my snack!!! Next time I will standby potato chip in the packet instead!

Living Surviving

I woke up last Saturday with my Boss phone call rang to my ears... Owhh!!!! WTH! Forced to wake up with a cheer mood to asnwer the call. WTH! Anyway, I need the salary to pay for my medical expenses though so God Bless!!!! On computer and check out my email. mmmm... Milly Ng from Central Physio in HK has replied me. I need to plan my trip there for my severe bunion treatment. Owwwhhhh! hell it is expensive trip ever! My saving still not enough to cover the treatment cost yet. Now I have to think about accomodation cost,living expenses,transportation and bla bla bla and the bla bla bla is actually dollar sign blink blink in my head! WTH! My hair falling like raining day to think about all this. Ah! not to mention , I need to crack my head talk to my boss in diplomatic way that I am going away for at least 14 days from work place but I still can work from HK. Basically, pack up my things and relocate there for 2 weeks.... Aissshhhh!!!! I should find Mil

First Time Pasta Zamai

Last Saturday to see old time chinggu at Tropicana City Mall. Since I reached there early I end up getting my pedicure...kekekeke result me half hour late for the appointment. Very bad girl!  Julie's choice - 1st brunch Rice top with grilled terayaki chicken and poarched egg      Julie's choice - 2nd brunch spagetti in clams soup top with golden fried garlic   Both Jack and me end up digging into her bless meal hehehehe...sharing and caring!   Jack's choice - spagetti with beef and mushroom My choice - spagetti with hotate and mushroom 3 of us sharing this as dessert. Don't know what this call....taste??? ok! 

Bagan Lalang Seafood

We thought wanna try the Senandung Seafood but too many people than went to this Restaurant Bagan Lalang Seaview..... too far from the sea but still can view lol.  Nasi Lemak....the chilli so owhhhh!!! spicy!   Bamboo Seashell we request to cook with Ginger...mmmm nice!   This sweet and sour prawn end up become spicy prawn!   Deep fried squid  with sauce grilled squid vegies with shrimp   Grilled stingray.....   after eating this I am rushing home due to stomach ache and we suspected the lychee drink because I am the only one drinking that....huhuhuhuh..... Chinggu is 'A' ok and me suffering throughout the 2 hours journey back home sob sob 

Day Trip to Bagan Lalang

Last Saturday, I went for day trip to Bagan Lalang near coastal area near Sepang district.     We went through few small town  Muzium Automobil Nasional....mmmmm first time hear about this   On the way to Bagan Lalang we can see many dragon fruit aka pitaberry farm on left and right and ocassionally see few swallow nest building. I end up bought 3 pitaberry (red color is my favourite) and this cost me....opppsssss!!! cost 'Chinggu' RM15 for 3.   Below is my caption near the beach. Can see many tents... families and friends picnic by the beach...some grilling seafood...mmmm yummy!!!    below out!!!! don't know how to adjust it super big now!!1


          I have 3 avocadoes in my fridge...its getting bad soon if I don't make use of it. I decided to make my own sandwich spread.       Avocadoes cut into half and scoop the flesh with spoon then put in the bowl. Smash it like mash potatoes Squeeze in some lemon juice Add in slices of shallots Pinch of salt and black pepper to taste...   Keep it in the tight tupperware like this and this can last you for at least three days. When you want to eat it scoop few spoon in the bowl and add it with sardines or tuna or you can just spread it on wholemeal bread as it is....   Ah! so smart...for a single woman like me....PERFECT for quick meal!!!!


Early morning rushing to work. Ah! need to pump petrol in.... I stop at one of petrol station. Normally , I will opt for cash payment because credit card usage is not safe there.(oh! well for me...I think its not safe) Since I am very conservative in using my credit no choice to join that long line to make payment. At least 5-6 person ahead me in the line. Everybody waiting patiently...including me.... Owhhh!!!! good Princess! Then suddenly one Auntie with helmet rush in straight to the cashier..... Auntie : Oi! where is it? Cashier : What? Auntie : Le siowl! le siowl! (mind me that words she was saying sounded like that) Cashier : What you want? Auntie shoving the receipts... Cashier : Oh! diesel.... you need to go to next one. Auntie : Ohhhhhh... Auntie went out... Then another 30 seconds she rush in again...this time she sounded angry... Auntie : Le siowl! le siowl! where???? Auntie : where??? le siowl! le siowl! Cashier : Aisshhhhh!!!! you want diese


My Friday night dinner with Pei Ling 'Chinggu'. I have this Portuguese spicy grilled fish with ladies fingers!!!! mmmm.... so good!!! Ah! so high calories!!!!  Following Pei Ling Chinggu with her favourite Bonjour Cream Puff... OMOOOO!!!! not my taste... So rich of cream!!!! Driving my parent from Kajang to Shah Alam and the journey will take around one hour. Since Mum have a severe gastric, I standby with this steamed cakes for her to eat on the way to my Sis 's house in Shah Alam... mmmm.... so good daughter, huh!!!! hehehehehe...   After reached my sis's house...all of us hopped on to her car and head to Uptown Damansara for breakfast...We choose to try out The Village Park. One of the Malaysian leading actress's restaurant....huhuhuh not hers but her parent ,though!!!!      My mummy's choice is Soto Ayam... Chicken soup with rice cubes,noodles,groundnuts,beancurds,shredded chicken....according to my Mum.... sh


  Any familiar faces????   The weather is freaking hot!!!! and these ladies and gentlemen was here since morning and expected until night time with palm on this car. Oh wow!!!! Mental challenge everyone!!!! Determination!!!!   I was at the curve last Saturday after having my breakfast with parent The Village Park , Uptown,Damansara and there you goes bunch of people trying their luck to be one of those 10 lucky people to represent Malaysia to Singapore. Besides an all expense paid trip to Singapore (six days in October) for finals,each of the 10 Malaysia reps will receive an Orient watch worth RM1,600 and Subaru merchandise....Oh WOW!!!!   They are required to place their right hand on the car once a palm is off/shifted from the allocated space, she or he is OUT!!!!!

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