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Beauty Inside Out with Newly Launched Hada Labo Hydrating Water Gel

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I am getting older and my resolution getting more weird! Ah! see the title enough to figure out how weird I can be.WTH!!! Recently, my kitchen sink clogging like mad!!! Water just don't goes down like normal....don't know where it gone wrong here??? Since I am reluctant to get any stranger into my 'habitat' (kekekeke...sounds like a tiger den huh?) I decided to settle this on my own. Yeah right!!!! like this woman got that 'motor skills' in her??? Hard to belief huh??? Me too!!!! I am so unbelievable!!!! Since last weeks I tried to use 'super powerful' unclogged chemical but the attempt was bloody useless. I tried 'youtube'!!!! kekekeke internet can solve problem huh??? The plumber channel taught me to do volcano eruption in the sink using baking powder and vinegar. Oh!!! that volcano eruption???? It works and I really get that very fascinated eruption!!!! Did it really solve my problems???? HELL NO!!! It just the baking powde


Last weekend is totally Korean week least for me. Is it just this week or everyday Korean for me??? Everyday Korean for me!!!! WTH!!!! Crazy ar this Ajuma! Anyway as reported in earlier post there are Korean Festival going on at Pavillion Centre Court. Just like what I imagine if they mentioned Pavillion Centre Court as the venue....huhuhuh not las big like at Midvalley exhibition mall. The vent was like that only ar??? They should have made it bigger scale yo! I wish they make it like the korean food booth and sampling and many more. Yeah! I saw many line up for korean traditional wear photo shoot session. I stop and listen to the traditional duo singer....quite a mesmerizing performance. Then the royal traditional costume fashion show is quite aspiring too.The peak of the event is during Mblaq and Haha performance and appearance.    Here are some of the snapshot of the K Festival @ Pavillion Joseon era Royal costume wear parade durin


I wanted to try Bulgogi long time ago. I watch many Korean Variety Shows and when they shown the Bulgogi dishes ...really make me drooling. I wanted to try this whatever it takes. At least once in life time. I keep telling myself to live my life by eating less meat. I did...anyway!!!! But hey...this does not mean it is a BIG NO NO just a reduce intake of all those meaty dishes. Last weekend, Chingu decided to treat me at Bulgogi Brothers since somebody told me I need to have some meat at least to continue living. It is a cycle of life and I don't have to feel like a sinner just because they have to kill the cow to feed me the meat. WTH! OK let us experience eating like Korean enjoy the Bulgogi!  We chose Gwangyangsik Bulgogi. This meat is thinly slice and eat it with gwangyang sauce. Not so strong taste to preserve the natural meat taste and all cook on hot plate right in front of us. They add in guguma aka sweet potato, slices of leek, clove of gar


It is our tradition to give out 'duit raya' aka 'ang pau' money to loves one during festive season. Well ...if Chinese, as long as you is time for you to give out. But to our Malay culture married or single, as long as you working...time to pay the toll. isk isk isk. Lucky, I am not born to so many siblings and among 4 sisters only my first sister married with children. She has 4 children - 2 boys and 2 girls.  This year as usual I gave out 'duit raya' to my parent and last sister.  My last sis still studying and still deserve the 'duit raya'. hehehehe this year is her last. She have to start working next year!  I also gave out some to my nephews and nieces. As usual..not so easy getting something from me..even it is just once a year. This year I have some event for those who think deserve my 'duit raya'. As usual...this naughty Aunty!!!! kekekekeke (evil laugh) I announced to them...if you want 'dui

#Henry 헨리_TRAP_Music Video (with Kyuhyun & Taemin)

The waiting PMS moment make me feeling EMO!!! My body bloated make me look like 'gold fish' make me feel more down. Henry song, TRAP totally healed me. Don't know how is it related to my 'bloatness' but the TRAP words make me feel like this is how I feel right now. isk isk isk... English lyrics for people like me who don't understand Korean. Artist  : Henry , Kyuhyun and Taemin Song : Trap I can’t move, why am I getting heavier? As I’m inside of the corner of your heart, yeah I want to touch you but I’m in this black darkness I keep settling down in this same place, in that place, yeah I’m getting more and more forgotten inside of you Inside this love that always lingers Oh I’m trapped, I’m trapped I’m getting tired, I guess I’m dreaming alone Will you strongly shake me and wake me up, wake me up? I’m trapped, I’m trapped I’m losing myself, I can’t even remember my name without you Now will you let go of me from inside


photo credit to ONE My favourite laughing therapy korean variety show -Running Man cast is coming to Malaysia this 1 November 2014. But again the ticket to pricey for me to spend. Even CN Blue this 8 Aug 2014 also IMA gotta miss out! WTH!!! IMA don't have privilege to spend money in this way. For those die hard fan and die die die die wanna meet these Running Man cast live in person...... MARK YOUR CALENDAR DATE : 1ST NOVEMBER 2014 (SATURDAY) VENUE :  NATIONAL STADIUM TICKET PRICE : RM729 (VIP) , RM499 (CAT 1), RM429 (CAT 2), RM299 (CAT 3), RM199 (CAT 4) You can book ticket at official website ONE , Facebook and Twitter or just check out Astro Ch 393 for more details. IMA just wait every Sunday evening for Running Man to be aired and laugh off while enjoying my Sauna Bath at home. Owhhhh!!!! forgot to tell only Kim Jong Kook (The Tiger aka Sparta)  , HAHA aka Haroro, Song Jo Hyo aka Mong Ji and Jee Seok Jin aka Impala will be coming over. South Korean nationa


Himalaya Product Review This entry going to be Super Long...I learned my 'Chongheiness' from my ex Boss. I am one of those lucky Caterpillars of The Butterfly Project to be invited for Himalaya - Neem Product range review at Fuwa Fuwa Bakery, The School, Jaya One, Petaling Jaya on 2nd Aug 2014. First time at The School and I reached there quite early around 9:30am and the event only start at 10:30am. I saw many boyfriends and hubbies pushing the trollies and lifting and pulling luggage of pre loved items of famous amos , hot and spicy bloggers who were there setting up stalls call Pop Market to let go some some of their personal items. Me the less hot and less spicy blogger was lucky enough to be invited by The Butterfly Project who gave me chance to build up my own name and try my best to brag as details and informative reviews to share with public. I treat this as my job and passion. Thank you!!! So I will try my best!!!!! Super long

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