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this map source from alpines-routes website I heard Japan is good in preserving nature, that is why my Japan trail this round is all about nature scenic place. Unlike China and South Korea , I more interest in  their historical sites. I feel more close to China and South Korea than Japan because I read more about these two countries history. I know nothing about Japan history...Oh lying here...I know but try to be ignorant!  It took me this long to open up my heart to finally step my foot here and try not to recall the history I read. So sentimental la...this woman. It was the most memorable and fulfilling journey for 10 Days / 9 Nights in Japan. I am not a Wonder Woman to cover whole Japan for that number of days.I wish could be 2 months long leave just to travel around. Oh well! most of our dreams....unless born with gold spoon then this number of days are consider.....lucky me! When you may think I know many about Japan when read my travel post. Frankly speaking, I


I can't even stand to be in concrete jungle for long. I did the impromptu trip using the Odakyu Limited Express, Hakone which is only just 85 minutes from Shinjuku. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the Great Mount Fuji...which I only saw it for a while before it was covered by the cloud and disappear. It suppose to be another train ride and then follow by rope way and so on but I was told the only transport for this tour is bus. This is due to there is volcanoes activities nearby. isk isk isk. Its dangerous to use rope way and train. Well...if something happen its not easy to escape using those transport.  Too bad for me because I unable to take that and enjoy the view but to me just take it easy and enjoy what ever meant to be for me next! After the bus ride , I took the pirate cruise ship for sightseeing along the Lake Ashi. I really enjoy standing on the deck for 30 minutes and the beautiful natural view. Hakone location is by the foot of Mount Fuji and this


Time to say goodbye to Kanazawa for Tokyo then say 'Sayonara' to Japan. I woke up early to take Shinkansen to Tokyo. Since it was a long journey ahead. Not much appetite  though so I made this instant miso clams soup. Look at that 'kawaii' clams. You pour the miso sauce and hot boiling water on it and it open like that. DAEBAK! Taste? Refreshing hot miso soup . Not bad! If in cold weather will be nice. I don't eat the clams though....afraid stomachache. Who knows.... so need to take extra precaution. Then bought some sandwiches and cinnamon rolls for my train ride picnic. Reach the busy Tokyo station. I have been at natural and country side for few days. I am a bit culture shock when reach to big city of Tokyo. I don't like it at all. Everywhere is big tall concrete building. Everyone walk like 'no soul' robot! Haihhhh!!!! Most of Japanese food is cold. It look beautiful but the cold but is not to my liking at all. Taste ok if its hot


From Shirakawago, I move on by bus for one hour journey to Takayama where I will take train back to Kanazawa. It was around 2pm and still have time left for me to explore this by the way city of Takayama. Not much that I know about this City in Japan's Gifu Prefecture. It was unplanned exploration. I took the self tour walking guide map from information counter which near the bus terminal then went to reserve seat for my train ride to Toyama for Kanazawa. I reserve seat for around 5pm train. I think should be enough time for me to walk around this interesting city. Aihhhh!!! Kawaii! Late lunch at nearby Japanese Noodle Shop. This is first time I enter this kind of place for meal. I choose Yama-kake Soba which cost me 600 JPY.  Yama-Kake-Soba is hot soba noodles in bonito broth garnished with grated yam and raw egg. Haih!!! I should have order Sansai Soba which comes with wild greens. Yama-Kake Soba kind of sticky with yam. I still finished my meal because it


Just like painting! Lovely house with golden readily to harvest rice field and beautiful cosmo flowers dancing lively. Smells of fresh air, green vegetable farms and fish ponds readily to accept the life cycles on earth. Shirakawago has kept the village unspoiled and well preserved for centuries. This area of steep thatched roved farmhouses gained UNESCO World Heritage Site status in year 1995. . How to go to Shirakawago by bus from Kanazawa? I took Highway Express Bus. - Kanazawa Station East Exit Bus Terminal Platform 2 . Departs at 8:10am (reservation is required. I just reserved it on the night before my trip) - Total journey to Shirakawago from Kanazawa is around 1hours and 15 minutes. Buy the map from the tourist information center 100 JPY. Then enjoy the walking guide from the map. Cross the bridge to get to the village. Just walk around and enjoy the beautiful view of this village while taking a deep breathe of fresh air. The people of these Gass

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