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Looking Good in the Kitchen with Mamonde

When everybody happily eating and drinking away in the living room...I was that person who stuck in the kitchen cooking away for them. Hard to believe..huh? Yes! I cook too. Whether its edible to far no complaint.  Don't ask to bake or anything else. I can just do a simple stir fry using my survival common sense instinct. Being stuck in the kitchen all the time during Raya doesn't mean I need to look messy and oily face. I was happily dolling up and freshening up with Mamonde.  Apply BB Cream and lip tint is a must to look pretty welcoming the guest. I brought back Mamonde Long Lasting Liquid Eyeliner. I chose the long lasting so don't need reapply it all the time. It last until I wash off at night before go to bed. Perfect for busy kitchen person like me. I love the sturdy brush tip. It easy to apply and less shaky line for not so pro make up Goddess like me. ahahaha.. Don't need eye shadow or whatsoever. Just a simple super black Mam

PIKA PIKA No Mirror Make Up Challenge

Last Saturday attended PIKA PIKA NO MIRROR make up challenge organized by Watson Malaysia. first time make my time to attend event organized by Watson. All Butterflies who attended the event require to come with bare face or the most minimal makeup and also bring along the waterproof make up set. I brought over my humble water proof make up pouch. isk isk ... We were told to do the make up during the event. As the title it was the NO MIRROR make up event. I was struggling to apply make up without the mirror. isk isk isk. I didn't event wanna use eye liner for this. I failed to even draw proper line with make up. Hell no without it! Afraid to end up look like Chinese Opera Singer. kekekeke Then we were told to remove our make up using PIKA PIKA Deep Cleansing range. Here comes...the real STAR for the day. PIKA PIKA Deep Cleansing range which contains natural fruit extract. Now it make sense on that bunch of fruits on the table to complete the setting. PIKA PIKA p

Why Lip Balm is Important in your daily life ?

We care so much about our skin and other part of our body but how many of you pay attention to your lips?  I am one person who really hate dry and chapped lips. Especially the one until bleeding. Not only my lip look super ugly. It hurt too. isk isk isk. To me getting my lip healthy looking can boost up my confidence too. I always apply lip balm before apply anything on my lip. Even if I am super lazy to apply anything...lip balm is a must for me to apply. There are so many lip balm out there in the market. You are spoil with lots and variety of choices. I usually choose the one made by well known company , Mentholatum and their famous brand LipIce. I bet you gals heard about this brand call LipIce. LipIce is famous with its lip moisturizing formula. Recently , LipIce launched LipIce Tinted LipBalm. Best of all it now comes in a brand new Disney look. Wuhuuuuu!!! your young and teenage daughter would want this. Even I am way over that teenage young age, I am all for this f

Do SugarBearHair really Works ?

If you are following some famous Hollywood Celebrities last year or the year before , you will notice some of the are promoting those cute little blue bear. I don't follow any Hollywood Celebrities or whatsoever. Told ya..I am on Korean fandom. ahak.. ahak... I get to know about this blue gummies aka hair vitamin by chance reading the gossip magazine while getting my hair treatment done at Pavillion, KL early this year. Serious, this people really good in writing. So convincing until I can't get over it and finally clicked purchase it. The most expensive gummies ever I have in my entire life. This is all the Kardashians fault! I need somebody to blame. hehehe.. The sentence , Chloe can't get enough of this gummies and wish she can just dig in a handful of those...whoaaaa!!! I was like...want this too. Not to mentioned their well groomed hair. That look so beautifully thick hair. Errrr...did I just forgotten about extension sort of thing exist too. Whatever! I just got

Poor Execution of Delivery from Well Known Online Marketplace in Malaysia

I wish don't need to do such blog post. But I need to let this out health will damage due to unsatisfactory.  This is one 'emo' post! I was so happy when Mamonde launched Online Store at Yeayyy!!! convenient. Love online shopping plus super excited to shop. I received RM20 vouchers and decided to do some shopping for Raya gift. Plus you see that photo banner? First 120 buyers at Mamonde Online store will receive that beautiful pouch and 50ml First Energy Serum. Oh yeay! Happy mode to shop and race out to be the first 120 buyers. I ordered Mamonde Basic Skincare set on 6th June 2017 through Mamonde Online Dying to get my hands on those beautiful pouch. You see...Mamonde products are all flowers inspired products. Even their skin care pouch is hard to be miss. Super gorgeous to my eyes. I was nervously cross my fingers and wish to be the first 120 buyers. I waited for a week. No sign of shipping notification

3 Causes of Forgetfulness and Solutions with TAG La™

When you bluntly announce that you forget something...the first response you receive will be??? You so old one, meh??? Often forgetfulness is associated with ageing. But to me, forgetfulness happens to any of us whether you are young or old. What Cause Forgetfulness ? 1. Lack of Sleep 2. Stress and Anxiety 3. Depression Forgetfulness Solution 1. Keep your body active with regular exercise and try to get enough sleep 2. Watch your diet and keep balance nutrition 3. Invest on Technology for speedy solution of your forgetfulness.  Recently, this mini square thingy call TAG La™ reached me.  How this lil things can be a solution to forgetfulness habit of us? I normally bad in trying out device. But TAG La™ is pretty much easy to start with. TAG La comes in 6 choice of colors - Black , Red, Yellow, Green , Blue and White. My TAG La came in yellow color. My first impression of TAG La is the sleek convenient design with key-chain holder for conve

What is the Difference between Skin Hydrating and Moisturizing?

Not sure about you, I only know about moisturizing rather than hydrating. I always thought Hydrating and Moisturizing is the similar thing.  Hydrating products are said to be moisturizing but its not the same thing. WTH! So confusing! I read somewhere and they said hydrating means the actual replenishment of moisture or water to skin cells. While moisturizing products keep the skin soft and prevent water content in skin from evaporating. With this both hydrating and moisturizer works well together.  Question which one goes first? Hydrating or Moisturizer? should replenish moisture to your skin before apply moisturizing skincare. Hydrating product comes first and follow with moisturizer. Does this means you need to apply 2 different products?  Well...nowadays many moisturizer comes with water-binding ingredients. So you need to check the ingredients before purchase your next moisturizer.  At age 40s its important for me to hydrate my skin well to ensure

5 Ways to make use of Soothing Aloe Vera Gel

Soothing Aloe Vera Gel has been a hot items few years back and it still hot till now. Those days , I don't even know what to do when I first received my first soothing Aloe Vera Gel. No doubt, Aloe Vera has many benefits. But Soothing Aloe Vera Gel ? How am I suppose to use this? Moisturizer? Sleeping Mask? Eat it? :) 5 Ways to use Soothing Aloe Vera Gel : 1. Sunburn Treatment I normally keep Soothing Aloe Vera Gel in fridge for cooling effect. This is good especially during summer or after long hours of outdoor activities. Just apply it direct to your skin. Not only it gives you comfortable cooling effect, it helps to treat sunburn too. 2. Sleeping Face Mask Some people use it for face mask by applying for 15 minutes and then rinse off with luke-warm water. I apply Soothing Aloe Vera Gel as overnight sleeping mask and find this helps to keep my skin moisture. 3. Make up Glowing Effect Last year the dewy effect make up was very popular. Not sure whether

Its all about that Raya cookies

Long time never write a random post like this.  Too many beauty review post. I also feel like wanna throw up to read my own blog. So called personal online diary. WTH! totally out of the original intention and full of advertisement. Haihhhh!!! well don't blame me. Suddenly become 'hot' blogger. kekeke.. Today is the last day of working before off for a long weekend festive holiday. I was working hard since morning today. WTH! I will be back to office on Thursday though. I have new opportunity appointment that day. ahahaha...cross my fingers and hope for luck! I won't put high hope. It suddenly came to me and to me no harm to get to know and explore if its suitable. If you are asking me what is my preparation for 'Hari Raya' Celebration. Well nothing much. In fact there is no need to prepare anything. To me 'Hari Raya' Celebration is just to celebrate after 30 days of fasting. I don't even buy any 'raya' clothings. For what? I d

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