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Do SugarBearHair really Works ?

If you are following some famous Hollywood Celebrities last year or the year before , you will notice some of the are promoting those cute little blue bear. I don't follow any Hollywood Celebrities or whatsoever. Told ya..I am on Korean fandom. ahak.. ahak...

I get to know about this blue gummies aka hair vitamin by chance reading the gossip magazine while getting my hair treatment done at Pavillion, KL early this year. Serious, this people really good in writing. So convincing until I can't get over it and finally clicked purchase it. The most expensive gummies ever I have in my entire life. This is all the Kardashians fault! I need somebody to blame. hehehe.. The sentence , Chloe can't get enough of this gummies and wish she can just dig in a handful of those...whoaaaa!!! I was like...want this too. Not to mentioned their well groomed hair. That look so beautifully thick hair. Errrr...did I just forgotten about extension sort of thing exist too. Whatever! I just got sucked up to this advertorial.

I search the internet and read many reviews. So convincing! I am a fool again.I am a blogger myself. I should have known all this thing, right??? Snap out!

At the end...I lost on this blue gummies battle. 
Haihhh!!! I feel like a loser when forked out my own hard earned to try this out. (**face palm and head down to this statement**) Freaking RM400++ after the expensive conversion rates. Damn! big hole to my wallet. WTH!

I bought pack of 3 bottles of this direct from website. Greedy and Happy! after notice they ship my gummies via DHLwith though its gonna reach me in next 5 days. WTH! Don't be so happy. They use standard snail mail via DHL. I am a fool again! I only received it after waiting for almost a month and this gummies reached me rolling. Of course I lied! How you expect the gummies came to me rolling? LOL . It came in big box with beautiful blue comb. 

What is SugarBearHair ?

Errrr...bunch of blue sweet smell gummy bears.
Well, SugarBearHair contains 5000mg of biotin which is used to stimulate the process to create fatty acids in the scalp which is necessary to promote growth in the scalp. It can help hair growth at faster rate.Don't worry much! SugarBearHair doesn't promote growth to entire body. Guess, if it really does that then they just create the entire planet of apes species. I did notice my mustache grew longer.  LOL! Kidding!

Other ingredients and vitamins in SugarBearHair which essential in stimulating hair growth are :

* Vitamin A
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin D
* Vitamin E
* Vitamin B-6
* Folic Acid
* Vitamin B-12
* Panthothenic Acid
* Iodine
* Zinc
* Choline
* Inositol

SugarBearHair is vegetarian and apparently the sugar level is from the fruits. No artificial flavours or sweeteners as what they claimed. I can't proof that unless the diabetes hit me. kekekeke

SugarBearHair claimed this blue gummies :

* Can grow your hair longer
* Boost up and Hair Strengthen
* Nourish hair from within
* Improve hair elasticiy
* Stop Breakage

When I first open the bottle , the sweet berries smell run out hitting my nose. Haihhhh!!!! Its hard to just take only 2 a day as recommended by the company. I want more and more gummies. I still eat 2 gummies a day as recommended though. Afraid to be overdosed of Vitamins if I eat more. 

I just finished my first bottle and currently on second bottle. Yeah!!! I skip many days and very irregular intake. I wish can TagLa on my gummies. I seems forgot about it in many days. There are 60 gummies in a bottle and recommended to take 2 gummies a day or you end up overdosed of vitamins in your body. I suppose to finish it in a month. I only finished my first bottle in 2 months time. huhuhuh...

Do SugarBearHair Really Works ?

I have my waist long hair cut to shoulder length before taking my first bottle of gummies. Phewww!!! talk about passionate experimental blogger. I gave a big round applause to myself for sacrificing my hair for this. Like I mean it! hahaha... The truth is...I was dying for a hair cut because my head feel so heavy. LOL!


My main reason to take this gummies is because of that baldness on the side of my head. WTH! Face palm and head down. I just announce to the world that I am bald. Yeahhhh!!! I am that bald woman. See??? See??? This is the reason why I never put up my hair in public. Other than that I also wanna fix on my breakage and brittle hair too. My nail was in bad condition too. Super crisp and break easily! Now..I make my nail sounds like a crackers, huh?

This photo was after my finished my first bottle. Hair down like this??? Now you gals think that cute blue gummies work like magic ,huh??? Look nice, right?  In real my hair look like that after I was an dry my hair. This photo I took it early this month. The only think I can notice here is my hair look shining and healthier. So does my nail. But....

This photo also after finished the first bottle. Owhhhhh!!! The baldness still there and its smaller. 

I was fooling myself and in denial when took this photo. I can just write this post like ...yeayyyyy!!! see? Oh! my baldness getting smaller. 
Then you gals go...Oh! I want this gummies. I wanna buy too. I wanna fill that gap too and bla bla bla

GOTCHA! How can I think this little gummies can fill up that baldness?

I was just fooling around and didn't reveal the baldness still there and as wide as it is since before I took that gummies. Face palm and head down. Forgive me this gummies is not for those who already bald. Dreams on! Go to hair center for hair growth treatment instead of buying this gummies.

This photo I took it early this week when I opened my 2nd bottle. See the baby hair is growing on the side. As I mentioned baldness still there but can be covered by those unruly baby hair. Like I said my hair look shining and stronger...yeahhhhh!!!! many times my colleague keep praising my hair is so shining and look glowing. Oh yeahhh!! bring it on with all the praise. Hail Your Highness Princess Cindyrina !  WTH! I don't even apply any oil to my hair. Damn lazy woman to do that. I guess its the gummies work which I don't even notice. kekeke

So???? Do SugarBearHair really works for me?
Hell...yaaaa!!!!! eventhough its a slow result, well...this is not a Harry Potter world. Nothing works like magic here in reality. Shall I write it this way? You gals will wanna buy this gummies too ?

The truth about SugarBearHair which I refer back to its claimed :

* Can grow your hair longer - YES
* Boost up and Hair Strengthen - YES
* Nourish hair from within - YES
* Improve hair elasticity - YES
* Stop Breakage - YES

Do SugarBearHair can fill up the baldness ? NO!

Can reduce hair fall ? NO. My house floor is still cover with carpet of my hair. huhuhuh..

SugarBearHair never claimed this gummies can do that. It was meeeeee...who assume it can do that magic to my hair. Isk isk isk.

Here goes..I just did a free advertisement for SugarBearHair. Don't ask me to sell you the 3rd bottle. I am keeping it for myself. Go purchase at their website yourself and wait a month like me. hehehe.

Honestly, you don't need this expensive gummies to get you crowning glory grow healthily. Just get enough of those vitamins  to your body and enough sleep too. This is gummies full of good vitamins and good for overall health. To be exact just get yourself enough Biotin, Folic Acid and Vitamin C for your body. This Vitamins are good for hair growth and strengthen nails.

Is SugarBearHair legit? YES. They did as what its claimed. Nothing more than that.

Do you expect me to pose like Kardashian or any other reviewer with gummies in their mouth look sexy inviting ? Goshhh!!! I am not Kardashian. You are reading the wrong blog.


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