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Month of October getting very weird to me.
Why did I said that?
1st I have been very supportive towards my Boss.
Not like me at all.
I normally against him.

2nd I have to drive up to Genting after 10 years this Sunday.

3rd I am watching Air Supply because I am supportive to my Boss.
Why not Beyonce or All American Reject concert ??? Why??
Aish!!!! need to put up with all those mushy mashy love song.... naeyyyyy!!!

4th Manage to show pathetic face to Boss for room sponsorship Thank you Boss hehehe
Should have booked the suite hehehe my boss will reply back ' Your HEAD!!! ' haha

5th Manage to ask permission to come to work late this Monday with some lame excuse. Thank you Boss again and again... are you going to treat me bad or good after I come down??? aish!!! forogtten I have to spend at least 2 hours with him for cheque signing on Monday! God Bless my soul!!! huhuhuhuh suffer ..with the nagging... enjoy and suffer.. the pain is so great! Should have ask for whole day leave... mmmm I am a good gal!

6th I am allowing myself to be trained to squeeze people for better margin. God Bless me! got the talent just need to allow to be developed. ah!!! Devil wear Prada in the making???

7th I am attending Ragaa Awards 2009 at Palace Golden Horses on 10th Oct 2009.
Again one of my support towards my Boss.
Allow myself to be exploited attending a Bollywood style function with Gold & Glamour theme. OMG! what to wear??? should I wear a wig or blow my hair sky hair and thick make up to look glamour? or should I wear blinking glitters jewellery to look glamour? or just 2 pieces tiny gold necklace hehehehe
Best thing is vegetarian food .... God knows what will happen that day. hope they speak in English though or we end up listening to tamil the whole night long!!!
My wish is my Boss sponsor Hitz instead of ragaa..
Need to start listen to tamil song next week...

8th I am now trying my best to eat less meat and now to eat more vege.. may one day to turn myself into a vegetarian to save the animal... mmmm angel face suddenly!!!
But i still love fish!!! God Bless the soul of all the living creature I had swallow into my expanding tummy... amen!!!! Forgive me... forgive me..

9th I didn't go for massage for almost 2 month??? or 1 month??? mmm cant wonder my body is aching!!!
No budget ledi!!!
Next month maybe!!!

10th on 2nd October 2009 many things happened.mmmmm what next until Oct 31st...

Yup! coming up..
Tomorrow morning go to tiny gym for execise then study more on product knowledge then about 4pm need to go Cheras Mahkota, got people registering under me.

The Sunday morning 10am going for trial interview and submit my form.
Then after lunch head to Genting , lucky I have one beloved 'Chicken Little' with GPS following me. So at least got company.
God bless our journey!

10th Oct - Gold & Glamour function

11th Oct - Glamour photo shoot for my 35th birthday... hehehe coming soon ...I will look like Siamese or Chindian...the last time taken on my 28th Birthday...

12th Oct - Walahhhh ! i am officially old.... huhuhuh

17th Oct - Deepavali & Exam... aiyooo people celebrate all of us need to crack our head

24th Oct - Exam again....

Hope my life getting interesting and interesting....

Need to work harder and behave with hope my Boss compensate me by CNY... huhuhu need that badly for my saving for business coming up next year hopefully...

God Bless me ! God Bless everybody... love myself! hehehe


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