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Xmas Dinner@Alexis 19 Dec 2009

We meet once a year.
Normally nearer to Xmas or New Year.
Its been almost 5 years we know each other.
starting from working at the same place called PWR Design Sdn Bhd.
The place that given me opportunity to enter Media & Advertsing Industry.
Since most of us had left the company with our own personal reason, we promise each other to meet again at least once a year.
Starting from year 2007 with 5 of us at Delicious, Bangsar (Brandom, Jamie, Wai Gin, Pat & Myself).
Then 2008 with only 4 of us at Chulo, Jaya One PJ (Brandom, Jamie, Wai Gin & Myself).
This year down to 3 of at Alexis ,Garden MidValley.
Hope next year we meeyt again and the number will not reduce.
Thank you to Jamie & Brandom for giving me piece of their personal advise on how horrible I look this year. Yes! my study & work really eating me up.
Like I promise you people... next year I will meet you people with new me.
Ahahahahah... you just wait for new me... next year is the year for me to beautify myself!
No more stress!
OK...lets see what we have for this year Xmas meeting... (You should know it really take me sweat , blood & tears to make it to this meeting). Jamie should know my horrible experience coming to MidValley... the place I really hate to be during weekend and peak season..

Dessert for the day
Chocolate Berry... mmm sorry guy & gal they are out of their famous Tiramisu so we have to settle with this one.
Not bad after all...

Ceaser Salad - ok la...

Lemon Risotto - look horrible but taste not that bad for 1st timer...
We should order Paela instead

Pepperoni Pizza - mmmm too cold coz we busy with our gift and chatting

Dom & Me

Chili Jamie & Me

Dom & Jamie (Jamie look so small)

My sailormoon pose with Dom Xmas gift- heavy wor Dom

Busy opening Dom Gift to me - so difficult one ar?? Wanna give or don't want

Sorry la Dom ! I give up! you got to open it for me... you wrapped it! ehehehe

Finally... my Anna Sui pouch!!! ehehehe

Thank you Dom! Merry Xmas

Thank you Thank you

Jamie.. trying to open Dom's gift to her

Again... Jamie also cannot open your gift Dom . So you got to open le... eheheheh poor guy..
Dom : Girls ! next year I vow not to wrap your present anymore... why I end up opening my present to you girls??? Iyah Iyah Iyah.... OMG few girls on the other table is looking at me... uh uh uh macho macho maintain my power... iyahhhhhhh!!!

Finally... Jamie & her Marc Jacobs tote.. sweet
So as mentioned ealier.. next year both of us want at least LV or Gucci & not Kunci hehehe

My gift to Dom... look at the effort this year... surprise hah.. Rina skills not bad!

Jamie's gift from me... look at that wrapping & the deco.. I feel proud of myself

Healthy pendant for Dom this year... why don't like it?
You can sell it at ebay ahaahahah dare you to do that???
I will kill you!!

Hope you like it Dom!

Hey! pendant come with platinum warranty card... expensive wor

My gift to Jamie - nice or not? Gold for you this year cutie!

No more silver for you... Gold indeed!
You look pretty with the gold bangle & warmers I bought you... hope this bring you cheer!

Burner & incent from Jamie to me...

Yes! stressful year for me this .. so really need this..thanks

and... lovey silver chain from Diva Thanks Jamie ...

Here are my incent cutie holder from Jamie

CK from Jamie to Brandom... ahahaha you must be smelly since Jamie have to buy you this... (joking Dom just joking)

Dom : Say ar Rina say ar... let me pour that CK to cure your bad mouth
Rina : uhuhhuhuhuh what are you doing Dom??? I m sorry Im sorry... I said I am sorry....

Dom : Yeah ! lets ignore that Chili Jamie in front of us.... bla bla bla bla bla
Rina : your tea is Jasmine like woman taste la you ahahaha mine is Ginger Lemon ... I need this Dom coz I don't fart for 2 weeks ledi...
Dom : Aiyoh! Rina sure smelly one when you back home tonight mine Jasmine coz you should look at my face radiant & glowing...
Rina : Ya ya you got free facial @ Herbaline la and me got to pay. Eh ! this year I call you Oui Oui since your T Shirt spell that. So next year Woit Woit ar???
Dom : Aiyoh Rina so creative one ar you... next year I will wear Doink Doink... ahahahaha..Anyway that Jamie arrrr aiyo that fella arrr
Rina : Go on go on... I like gossip... uhuhuhuh
Dom & Rina : Jamie Jamie you sleep ar????
We ended our dinner at almost 10.30pm... with very good memory and hope to see each other again...
The end...


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