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2 days of temples trip....oh gosh!!! I am sure I am overdosed of all those ruined temples by now...I decided to go easy on myself body need some treatment yo!!!
Woke up lazily on day three in Siem Reap. think I will go shopping???
Ah! me not a shopping freak when travelling....Old market? night Market?? I think I am going to vomid going through that place over and over again..basically I was there everyday every night...I saw they are selling the same thing on every stall everywhere.
Mostly Thailand and China made. Being an asian myself...all those items is nothing new to me.
I can even get it from my home country.
So shopping??? Not necessary for me.

Place I stayed near to donated every morning...full of student laughter.
If hair salon at my home country full of branded shampoo line up on the in Siem Reap i can see the hair salon with Rejoice,Head & Shoulder and many more common brand shampoo.

Found this place call Bodia Spa.
I can say whoever visit to Siem Reap shouldn't give this place a miss.
Seriously the tonic massage which give me experience of khmer lymphatic massage cost me USD36 is totally worth it!
Beautiful place and very relaxing after all those temples visit last two days!

After a refreshing treatment...treat myself with nice khmer lunch...that street vendor selling spciy dried cockles and I was told that snack is common and favorite among local.
mmmm... wonder how it taste but its too bizzare for me to taste.

got myself a half day tuk tuk and went to visit War museum.

an eye opener to me....and horrified real story on war....I can say I don't think any of us want to experience those horrible war!

I told ya froggie...danger! mines!
You don't listen....
Look at you...'mati katak'....flat to the ground froggie!!!!
God bless!!!
Oh... you need to pay entrance fees USD5.
I read in review were saying some local there will act as tour guide and tell story for USD20 fees.
I was quite lucky for having chance to tour the place quietely on my own.
I guess they dare not disturb me because I look more like Cambodian...kekekekekeke
But I being generous...end up putting in some USD into the donation box.
The least I could do to help!

You can always visit Land Mine Museum too...
It is interesting here too.
I read and watch inspire and bravery story of one man.
You can read the story about Aki Ra at
You need to pay USD3 for entrance fee.
Oh...don't forget to be generous here...donate some for the children who live behind the museum.
I donated USD10 there...

On the way back I visited angkor Market (just a small mini market) WTH!!!!
and also visited Lucky verdict on this Mall??? WTH!!! just small mall...Oh well...what do I expect in Siem Reap???

Other place anybody who one to kill time in Siem Reap :

* Cambodian Cultural Village ( i don't go because the review said this place is totally ripped off)

* Butterfly Garden (nahh...not my cup of tea)

* Royal Garden (the hotel staff suggested this ...but somehow I give this a miss)

* Killing field (give this a being so sentimental..I will end up crying remembering those who got killed for no reason.Why do I need to torment myself during my vacation!)

*Silk Farm (...mmmmm visited one of this in Hanoi...not my cup of tea though)

* Zoo (aissshhhh.... I don't even visit the famous night safari at my home town Taiping!!!)

* Crocodile farm (I don't even visit one in my country.Do you know in Siem Reap Crocodile Pizza is selling openly???...animal cruelty in the house!!! WTH!!!)

* National Museum (I heard about the fees is USD15...Oh

* Carving School aka Artisan ( visited this place on my last day in Siem Reap before going off to Airport. hehehehe this place is like 2 minutes walking from place I stayed. I went there after my breakfast. Good place to visit and I end up bought one pure silk shawl and purse..WTH)


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