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End of last year, I joined my friend for car hunting. He was looking for new one to replace his old which the lease has expired and fully paid off. I could say it was tiring because we were hoping from one car showroom to another and another for entire week. It was bored to death to listen to the salesman pitch over and over again. I gotten a bit frustrated since some of the salesman didn't car much to input us with the information as we wanted. They are just focus on closing the sales and ignore our needs!
My friends has settled with his new ride last 2 weeks. Myself still searching for my dreams car. Recently I started to spend time to research online. This is when I stumble upon an online portal which I find all in one platform. ASSSSAAAAA!!!! I don't have to go elsewhere then. Moreover, this portal are very easy to browse for information and the loading time is super fast too. The navigation features are super clear and organizes well. I could say that this portal has pretty large car database that any car name or model you enter will automatically generate corresponding information on such car specification you need.

Let me walks you through on how you could browse for your next ride from CloudHax.Com/car.

If you already has specific brands in mind then it is an easy job to find your dreams car here. Like me , I has narrow down to either Honda or Toyota cars. Just click on brands logo and it works like magic.

Many of us has own preference on shape of our dreams car. Myself pretty much not use to drive SEDAN car. I am comfortable to drive either MPV or SUV so next I do is to choose my favorite car body type and all model list pop up for my selection.

I am quite a fickle minded and impulsive person. Sometimes I just couldn't make up my mind. Sounds familiar???? We all have that in ourself! Don't lie...kekekekeke
Don't know what brand or type of car to go for??? Well, you can check out the popular car listing section and see what others are buying.

You still unsure on what car to look for? Just click on the latest car news and be in trends to live a hotter lifestyle with updated news on automotive industries. You can check out the newly launch and many latest news here.

What is my final dreams car choices? You think I will tell you here? hahahaha not now. I will announce to you once the ride reach me.

You are not buying any car in near date? Well, I am sure you own a car, right?  Here , you can also  find top used car dealers, car service centers, awesome car plate numbers and where to get fabulous accessories and parts to dressing up your beloved rides.

Oh! you are the salesman? You are selling car?

Make use of platform and leverage on the wide traffic exposure to find new leas and sell you cars to achieve that sales quota. Here you can get free listing or add RM10 for fabulous features premium car listing. You will get a professional micro site for car dealers and even can make use of their awesome wide range of car images which stored within the cloud storage and enjoy the exclusivity of own personal page with embedded information such contact number , address and other details to display to potential customers.

Do you know that the most important part I will take note when browsing website is the security features? 

I am glad that are attentive to this security details to provide their users safe browsing. I could say this portal equipped with highest website protection. You can click on and notice on your browser, there is The 'S' after the 'http' means 'secured'. This website certified by extended validation (EV) certificated which use the highest level of authentication and we specifically created to boost and maintain customers online confidence through a rigorous verification process.

I love ‘the by the way’ things when it come for shopping. Since is a portal and it is ‘one platform for all’.  When it says for all means that both buyers and sellers enjoy can benefit from this portal.
Do you think this just a dedicated site for cars? Well, its portal! So you can find property (want to rent, sell or buy), events, seriously if you are a runner can check out their future event section. There are many events waiting for your participation.
Did I mention this portal is mobile devices responsive too? Well , I love this new found portal so much. This platform is mass suitability for everyone, crossing time and place boundaries. Anybody can surf and use this platform at convenience time and place and also great to increase business visibility too.
For more on Cloud you can visit :

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Follow in GooglePlus :
Instgram : MyCloudHax

What do you think of my findings?
Is this beneficial for you ?

Let me know with your comments.


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