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6 Blogging Mistakes I have made

Is blogging for everyone?

Starting a blog is very easy. All you need to just follow simple steps and 'walahhhhh' you get yourself a blog. is easy to create a blog but to maintain a blog is another story.
For those who wanna jump into blogging. Here are the real life mistakes for being unsuccessful blogger after few years in blogging industry.I am still struggling and learning until now.

1. Poor Writing Skills

For those who read my blog would know my writing skills is should I put it ? I admit on the poor grammar and all those spelling mistakes. I do have ideas but to deliver it through writing is a challenge for me. Well..I did received some haters comment on my writing style. 

Hater Comment 1 : " Rubbish" 
Me : (feeling hurt) " depends on how you read it "

Hater Comment 2 : " Poor grammar"
Me : (head down and admit) " Well...I admit of my poor grammar but I can't help it"

My style of writing suppose to be humorous and spontaneous. I don't like the too formal writing style which I find it too stiff and boring to continue reading. Reading a blog suppose to be informative and entertaining at the same time. If it can make me laugh then its a bonus! Most important my audience understand and will visit me again. If they don't revisit mean my writing styles doesn't suit their preference. To be honest, I can't help it with my poor grammar but I try my best to minimize my spelling error.

2. Annoying Pop Up

I did install some of those pop up long time ago but re install it after a week because me myself find it annoying. Some blogger may find it amusing to have that pop up in their blog but do you know that this will effect your bounce rate. Annoying readers will leave your blog right away because they are put off with that pop up!

3. Blogging Click for Cash

I use to have this kind of motivation 2 years back. Then I find it effect my traffic rate. I guess people get annoyed to my money motivation with all those annoying ads and drive people to click on my ads so I can make money out of it. Ever since I ditch out click for cash ads from my blog, my traffic increase drastically. Since my traffic has increase , then my blog is more noticeable and the advertiser inquiries start coming in. I could say the side income from blogging enough to pay for my yearly beauty care expenses. 

4. Blog it out and leave it to dry

Those days, I thought when I publish my blog the traffic will come to my blog automatically. I am so newbie. I don't even know that there is a need to do content promotion. Then I slowly realize blogging don't stop at just blog and publish. "Don't get full of yourself! " Unless your blog is totally extra ordinary outstanding then the traffic will come automatically. Normal blogger like me need more hard work to drive traffic in.  I then join some social media group, forums and do some social book marking sites to improve my online presence. I also learn a lot from joining these social media group.

5. SEO Skills

I am still learning on the SEO. This is an effective way to drive traffic to your blog. But hey...this SEO thing is very complicated for me to understand in short run. I guess this will be my next new learning skills. I think this is worth for me to spend time and learn it for long run.

6.  Basic HTML and CSS

I am so poor of this. Those days , I thought just snap photo and upload would be enough to be a blogger. Who knows...due to huge file uploading the 'google' even penalized me and failed to indexed my blog.  For HTML I slow learn it from other bloggers. I can fix a simple HTML but for the more complicated one I leave it to the expert.

I recently ,  use the service of  online professional expert who is a web development, design and marketing company call The Techy Hub. They give me advice on how to optimise my photos before uploading and also taught me why its important to have "H1" and "H2" for my blog post. They help to fix some of broken links on my blog which helps to improve my online presence. I still struggling to learn on how to improve my online presence and this will take times.

There are more mistakes to list down. But since '6' is always my lucky number, I will stop here. All I can say blogging takes time and effort. If your goal is just to make money online then blogging is not for you. Blogging requires a lot of hard work and take up so much of time. I am not sure about others , I spend half of my weekend for just one blog post. I am talking about blog post without photos involve. I normally took 2 days if there are more photos involve. 

You may think blogger life look glamorous attending event and also receiving sponsored merchandise from advertiser. One thing I can say here, behind the free goodies there is always dateline waiting to be met. 

No such thing as free lunch in this world.
No pain No Gain! 
There is not easy route to success!


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