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I Get rid off my Blackhead problem with Neutrogena

How to get rid off Blackhead and achieve smooth and clear radiant skin?

Recently this big box fill with 3 types of cleansing from Neutrogena reached to my door step. I tried all 3 and require to choose one winner item to win my heart after using it for 7 days.

Well..being a beauty blogger sometimes the perks out of the writing works we have chance  to try out many types of beauty products. Item delivered and blogger try it out and write their experience. Mainly good review since the blogger obliged for the free items or payment received from the brand. huhuhuhuh... you reader may get many confuse information out here in the net. Sometimes its hard to judge whether its real or just a made up story. Not just you... me too so confuse! As for me, I writes my review based on my real life experience living as normal day to day human kind life. WTH! Where is the review and still the intro? kakakakaka...coming soon below. 

Back to Neutrogena box, I received. It came with full size :

* Deep Clean Cleansing Oil to Foam 142ml (RP : RM44.90)
* Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser 100g (RP : RM18.70)
* Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Scrub 100g (RP : RM23.70)

When first received this , I thought all this need to use all at one go for cleansing routine. Means normal cleansing routine we just use make up remover then use the facial cleanser then toner , serum and moisturiser.

But with this items received , I thought my cleansing routine change to the Deep Cleansing Oil to foam then Deep Cleansing Foaming Cleanser and then use the Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Scrub. That was my first thought! I really use that for 3 days. hahahaha

 Brief from PR , came in a bit later. I  already included all 3 products in my daily facial cleansing routine. It was for 3 days before I realise, I was doing it wrong! ngehehehe...What was I thinking ? I read the brief and was suppose to share my experience on deep clean with Neutrogena then pick one winner out of three deep cleansing products. Here comes the difficult part. To choose the winner when I already familiar and fall in love with all three. WTH!

Deep Clean Cleansing Oil to Foam 142ml (RP: RM44.90)

You can't blame me for mistakenly thought this is make up remover. One glance for not so details and clumsy person like me I just thought this is sort of oil based make up remover. Moral of the story read the bottle descriptions rather than just name. May be you all did it and I am the only one didn't. hahaha... too lazy to even lift my eye balls to read the small fonts on the bottle. But after 3 days I was forced to read it for my write up. I can't be writing craps facts based on my own assumption. 

Facts about Neutrogena Deep Clean Cleansing Oil to Foam

* Come in blue bottle and the liquid in it is clear transparent. So don't expect blue liquid.It smells refreshing. Love the bottle packaging. easily pump out the liquid.
* The one reach me is for normal/ combination skin. So please check you skin types before purchasing since they do have in different color bottle for your skin like dry in pink bottle.
* It has Rosemary extract in it. So do remember Rosemary not just to marinate your lamb steak or gourmet sauce but also good for skin. eheh...It rich in nutrients and antioxidants. 
* Oil-gel contain Oleifera leaf extracts. I don't know what is Oleifera leaf and when google it sort of related to Moringa. mmmmm...moringa is famous as super food and good benefits for well being. In this case the Oleifera leaft extract helps to gently remove all traces of day makeup , dirt and oil in one wash.

How to apply Neutrogena Deep Clean Cleansing Oil to Foam?

Damn! my old age eyes can't even read what written in the bottles. I have to get other younger eyes to read it for me. 

* Pump the gel out to your finger tips and gently massage it on your skin 
* You will see the foam started to forming out of it.
* Then cleanse the residue with warm water for better effect.

Since this is a dual cleansing in one wash , you don't need to use other skin cleansing product and just use this as your first step beauty routine. Don't be like me to use the deep clean foam cleanser after using this, with thought it just  make up remover. hihihihi

Neutrogena Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser 100g (RP : RM18.70)

This is my daily cleansing foam, so nothing new for me and it came just in time when mine finished. yeayyyy!!! need to buy. Thank you!

Facts about Neutrogena Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser

* oil free
* dermalogist tested
* Non-comedogenic
* removes dirts, oil and dead skin cells

How to apply Neutrogena Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser ?

Aloooo...this one also need to write ar??? (sort of thinking out aloud situation. Since no one will hear what my head is thinking so I write it out here) WTH!

* Pump out small amount onto your finger.
* Lather it with a bit of water
* Gently massage out onto skin to remove all the dirts and make up from your skin
* Then wash off with warm water. Ngeeee...I just use normal tap water and my skin still good!

I have been purchasing and use this cleanser for sometimes. I love that it always leave my skin fresh and feel clean after one wash. It also doesn't dry up my skin.

Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Scrub 100g (RP : RM23.70)

When I first use this, I was like why I don't find this thing earlier ? I am falling in love with this. You know why ? I have this problem on my skin...whitehead and blackhead. Guess my thick CC Cushion is leaving too much trace deep onto my skin. Another problem is I hate and totally hate to visit the beautician to do my facial and that painful extraction. Plus the stress of getting pester by the beauty consultants to top up you package every 2 weeks and your mind will be thinking, so when is my package is ending then if you keep asking me to top up. Never ending relationship???? Whoaaaaa!!! I need a divorce right now! Thank God! my relationship ended last week after 5 years. WTH! 

Back to the Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Scrub, I am in love with it because it really helps to clear my pores from that ugly blackheads. ASSSAAAAAAA!!!!

Facts About Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Scrub

* Created for daily scrub. Yup! you read it right. Daily scrub. So no need to worry for over drying or ruin your skin to use this scrub daily.
* Effectively eliminate blackheads from the very first use. Yes! it did wonders for my skin.
* It also have the " Blackheads Fighting Complex which penetrates deep into pores to dissolve excessive oil to help eliminate and prevent stubborn blackheads
* It also helps to refine pores
* You can expect clear and healthy looking skin after wash
* I am hook by its signature smells.

How to apply Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Scrub?

* Pump out small amount onto dry finger
* Then gently massage it onto your skin 
* Wash off the residue

Walllaaaahhhhh...this is How I Save Thousands of Facial Package sign up.I just need Neutrogena to get radiant and clean skin from home.

My choice from all Neutrogena Deep Cleanse range is clearly the Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Scrub. It work wonders for my skin.

Neutrogena awesome trusted beauty brand easily available at well known pharmacies around Malaysia. So don't complain on not able to find any.

You can get more details on Neutrogena beauty care range at : 

Neutrogena Official Website

Neutrogena Official Facebook


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