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My Experience Overnight at Theme Park Hotel @Resort World Genting

Last weekend, I have a short getaway at Resort World Genting Highlands. Do you remember The famous Theme Hotel? Once upon a time this place is super famous for its convenient because the location is just next to Resort World Genting , amusement park. The amusement park closed in year 2013 to give way for new generation entertainment site which is coming to ready soon. Can't wait for the first-in-the- world Twentieth Century Fox World Theme Park. Oh Goshhh!!  Super excited waiting for this to open soon!

Getting ready to full pledge crowds soon, Resort World Genting brings the whole new generation of Theme Park Hotel , more fun and creative Hotel for Resort World Genting's guest.

This hotel re open recently and will be the closest proximity to Twentieth Century Fox World Theme Park. YES! The location it self already give everybody a nod to stay!

Still retaining its 448 rooms,this brand new concept brings ' all you see is not all you get' ! What???? They are playing tricks on their guest? hehehehe Read further for this hotel cheekiness story and my live undressing show too! WTH!

Anyway, let me walk you through to this new Theme Park Hotel based on my experience last weekend.

There are four Honeymoon Suites in this property but I am not able to see it because that room are not ready yet. Haihhh!!!  Apparent, that room is over looking natural mountain forests and designs in four fun stages of romance - courtship, proposal, wedding and honeymoon. These rooms will be as stand-alone units , unique in decor, feel and furnishing. I want to stay in that room badly! WTH! Do you think one need to go through that four stages of romance to stay there? Hell! All I need is money !!!! duhhh!!!

This is The Sixers Room. There are two Tatami-style raised platform on which are two queen sized beds and a build up bunk bed above the platforms to hold another queen sized mattress. There you go! no need to room for 6 person. You just need this whole room for 6 of you! All-Night-Long!!!!! PARTYYYY!!!!

There are room to fit four person call Quadruple Room. You will get two Tatami-style raised platform on which are two queen sized beds. I didn't get to view the Quadruple room because it was fully booked that weekend. Seriously , this hotel is hot selling even before the Twentieth Fox Movies Theme Park open.

Glad that Resort World Genting design the room to fit in the disable people too. There  is room for three person which comes with One Queen bed for 2 person and adjustable single bed for one. The Single bed can be adjustable using remote like the hospital bed. Same goes to the toilet and shower room facilities. It was designed for disable people convenient! Even the view from this room is over looking a beautiful English Style Garden. One can have peace of mind and recovering here too.

This is how the new look of Theme Park Hotel from the outside if you are standing from English Garden point of view . Its more peaceful if you get your room over looking the mountain and the garden. It is a bit unfortunate if you stay at the lower floor and your room is over looking sky avenue and the road side. I am talking from my experience though! So make sure you get the mountain view room if you stay at Theme Park Hotel at Resort World Genting.

It was designed and decoration really make one use one imagination in a broad way fantasy . Even while I was walking on the corridor light up with purple dim lighting make me feel like I just fall into a rabbit hole and I am now Alice not Cindyrina. WTH!

Oh! keep on walking with eyes looking down on the floor to search your room number. hehhehehe..something new! The room is handwritten right  below the room door.

I got to stay at the sixers room. Glad ! invited my sis tag along with me. If not I will be partying alone in this sixers room. We were super happy to see this cheeky and fun styled room. Rolling ...rolling...rolling..yo! None of us wanna sleep on top of that bunker bed. Don't ask me..I am claustrophobia. The short distance between the bed and the ceiling already make me nerve wreck. 

Look at that clothes hanger knob and the TV!!!! WTH! Everything look so pleasant to my eyes! The pillow and the mattress really comfortable to sleep on. Falling in love with this room so much now!

The socket point is so detail to the point they even have USB point to charge your gadget. The wording to the door handle presented in fun and creative way too.

Since this is the room for 6 person , even the toilet was designed suit to morning chaos. Everything is super spacious here. Other than the unstable water pressure, I don't have anymore complaint. This place suit me well. From the point of view of person who really find toilet is the most important place of all! WTH!

Mini bar with 6 bottles of complimentary drink, achooo tissue box for your convenient wipey and slippers for cold feet too. 

I love this room so much! You can fit in your luggage underneath the Tatami platform to avoid cluster room. They have safebox too place inside that drawer to keep your belonging for long stay.

Did I mentioned silly me thought the phone is weighting scale because it look like one as I was entering the room? I was wondering why do I need a weighing scale here? Can I bake in here ? Until my sis told me that was a phone. I was like ...seriously??? Jump out the bed and start to admire the cute phone and let me take some selfies! Bummer!!! hahahaha ....My sis reaction was like...Face Palm! I have this kind of Big Sis! Aihhhh....
The coffee and tea is complimentary for you to warm up your throat in cold highlands weather.

'F' that hanger painting! Seriously, it keep giving me that urge to pick it up many many many times while I was staying there. It just a drawing of hanger and I even know that! But that urge to pick it up is stronger and keep on haunting me over and over again. So gerammmm!!! because unable to pick up that hanger. Really drive up my nerve!

Beware of that blackout roller blinds. The glass window is not even tinted. WTH! My sis and I really thought that was tinted glass. YES! As what you imagine. I was doing my very own undressing without bit of shame by that glass window while the cable car rolling up and down overlooking our window. Oh yeayyy!!! not to mentioned while doing that notice few people was standing by the road side opposite staring right to our direction. Playful! I keep looking back while saying..what you staring at???? Seriously, thought it was tinted until I realized it wasn't while walking back from dinner and shopping at Sky Avenue. JAW Drop!!! 'F'! 'F'! That was at night and some room was lighted and we saw what they are doing from below. We was like....OMG!!!!! are we going to be famous on youtube soon???? OMMMAAA YA!!!! No point regret because that undressing was a live show anyway! Can't even do the NG sort of thing! DAMNNNNN!!!!! Damage have been done! I guess who ever got to watch me undress would get it haunted for life and need to see a psychiatrist. Me??? Nothing to shame about it. Try to act cool! Deep in my heart...Crying a river out of shame!

I even asked my Sis this, while undressing and staring down at the window outside people standing and looking up for the cable car.

Me : This glass is tinted right?
My sis : Of course la!

Thats where I get all my confidence. WTH!

Out of many space in that room and I was staying at Sixers room and you can imagine how spacious that room was.....Why did I undressed myself near by the window ? Why??? Why???

I was at 4th floor for your information. Not that high up! People can see us clearly! isk isk isk... I hope...I wish...nobody watch me. Obviously, I saw some people are watching me. Goshhh!!! can I get over this thinking???

The next trip to Theme Park Hotel all glass window will be with cheeky sticker says.."This glass is not tinted. Undress by the window at your own modest but please tone up your body before you even think of doing that. We don't want our guest to leave this resort with horror memory! " kekekeke

I am a light sleeper and any noise will prevent me from sleeping. Unfortunately, my room was facing the main road and my night was disturbed with motorbike and car vrooming. Oh! yeah!!!! the wall is super thin and you will be unlucky if the next door is having the party. Be prepared to join any party happening next door. Which leave me to say this famous phrase. You can't beat them??? Join them! 

I get the whole idea of this room. This room not meant to stay in but to encourage you to stay out. Seriously, many things to do out there at Resort World of Genting! Why would you hide in the room anyway ? Ooppssss! unless you are Honey get yourself book at that stand-alone suite. ehem... ehem.. We understand what you doing...kekekeke

If your next door room is super noisy and disturb your sleep please contact the reception. They will ask your neighbour to tone down. Obviously, nothing much the reception can do about the vrooming car and motorbike , right? isk isk isk

But my wild imagination keep on coming cross my mind while writing this post. I will just type this down without filtration. Unfortunately , the reception will not able to ask your neighbour to tone down if they are having a rough and wild night 18sx bed scene , right? You can't join them too , right? kekekekeke...I guess you got to leave your room for a while then because they clearly need that room badly!  ahahahahaha... None of my reader here is below 18sx ,so no problem to just write down my dirty thinking, right ? This is just for laugh. OK! Peace yo! I will repent and cleanse my dirty mind later. winker.. winker...

If you are hungry in the middle of the night and lazy to walk to Sky Avenue, you can grab some foodies to cover your hunger pang at Eatopia near lobby.

If you are feeling bored staying in your room. Drag your partner or friends down to lobby and snap a crazy photo with that giant cup, sit on that giant bench or do cheeky craziest pose with that tricky mirror. I wanted to pose at that tricky mirror but always occupied with people. I ask my sis to wake up early with me just to do that. But I end up knock up my leg and left it blue black until now. So hurt!!! Yeahhh!!! that clumsy side of me...I can't even cure it. Left this Hotel without any crazy photo. I hate myself for being so clumsy.

There you honest experience typed down from recent short getaway up at Theme Park Hotel, Resort World Genting. I was lucky to have this opportunity and super happy for the short getaway after a rough week before. Thank you so much Resort World Genting for the invitation. This new Hotel is super DAEBAK!!!

Room price start from RM200++ to RM2,000++. Check on their website for the exact price depends on season. The room I stayed cost RM600++ per night. This is super affordable for six people in it.

Click below video to get the alive walk through feel of Theme Park Hotel, Resort World Genting


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