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My Experience of 2 Days Juice Cleanse

I always wanted to try out juice cleanse for quite sometimes. But the price of cold pressed juice kind of expensive. It can cost you around RM10 to 13 depends on the mixture. Many will comment back why don't you prepare this on yourself. Well, don't think I have time to buy lots of ingredients and do the cold pressed and bottle it on my own. I am working people like many others. 

After lots of survey , found cool juice provide reasonable price for cold pressed juice in Klang Valley. They even offer free delivery.

I didn't aim to lose weight for this juice cleansing. I just need to give my digestive system a break, get rids of toxins , loads up some vitamins and nutrients from raw fruits and veggies which I don't have chance to consume on my daily diet.

What you need to know before start Juice Cleanse ?

You need to prepare your body for a juice cleanse. You can't just start juice cleanse without much preparation for your body. Thats dangerous! 

What I did before start Juice Cleanse ?

* Eat more vegetables  and grains for 2 -3 days before the cleanse
* I drank lots of green tea
* Avoid meat, processed food, caffeine
* Try to eat less carb 

What to expect during Juice Cleanse Day ?

1. Start your morning right 

I started my morning with glass of warm water with lemon to wake my system and get it functional. 'Hello my organ'.

2. Drink Juice Orderly

Cool Juice send me 2 sets of juice for 2 days the day before which I kept in my fridge. Love that they numbered the bottle for my convenient. I just pick it according to number. Oh! by the way I choose Classic Detox for this cleansing.

6 types of juice all together for a day. You need to consume it every 2 hours. Cool Juice suggested the following timing :

* 8am - Hola! Kale : Spinach, Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Apple, Cucumber and Lemon
Benefit : Lower cholesterol level, anti cancer, bone strengthening and body detoxifies.

* 10am - Chia Addict : Lemongrass, Orange , Apple, Lemon, Chia Seed
Benefit : Blood cleanser, liver and kidney detoxifier, promotes glowing skin, weight management , rich in fibre and omega 3s.

* 12:00 - Big-Head Bro : Broccoli, Pineapple, Cucumber, Spinach and Lemon
Benefit : Cancer prevention, bone strengthening , anti cancer and digestion aid

* 2pm - C-Booster : Carrot, Orange and Apple
Benefit : Promote healthy eyes and skin, immunity booster and infection fighting

* 4pm - Leafy Green : Penny wort, Guava, Apple , Lemon, Ginger
Benefit : Blood purifier, improving memory, stress relief, promote healthy heart and improve constipation.

* 6pm - Spice up : Turmeric root, orange , apple, lemon and ginger
Benefit : Anti - inflammatory, antioxidants, anti cancer, reduce skin irritation and boost immune system

* 8pm - Almond Mylk : Raw organic almond, alkaline water, agave nectar, Himalayan salt, cinnamon
Benefit : Lower cholesterol level , promote heart health, anti cancer and maintain blood pressure.

It is important to drink juice accordingly because when you drink it directly affect how the absorption, assimilate and digestion nutrients

3. Drink More Water 

Make sure you have easy access to plenty of water because you will feel super duper thirsty. Expect to drink plenty of water during juice cleanse.

4. Easy access to toilet

Since it make you drink plenty of water then you need to pee a lot. Seriously, I went on every 30 minutes . You need to be thick face if people ask you why you need go toilet many times. huhuhuhu..Most suffering when I was driving back home which normally took me more than one hour to reach. WTH! Suffer! Thats from my experience.

5. Managing Hunger

I was lucky for doing pretty good job during the pre cleanse. I don't feel any hunger pang at all. I feel more energetic than before. If you feel hungry during juice cleanse it is advisable to drink some green tea or drink more water. cheating!

6. Working out

I don't work out during my juice cleanse. I just take it easy for my body. But I walk outside a lot.

My favorite starter of the day is Hola Kale. Refreshing start early morning!

Loving the Vitamin C boost in the middle of the day.

My favourite of all and always excited for 8pm to come is this baby. Almond Mylk. Can't get enough with one bottle.

How I feel after 2 days juice cleanse?

As I said don't expect to lose weight. I did lose 2kg in 2 days which is water weight. I went to pee a lot through out the session and drink a lot too. I have been having this water retention problem in my body for a while. Doing this juice cleanse kind of good effort to reboot my body. I just place another order for next week but not for juice cleanse. I ordered bottles of cold pressed juice for nutrients and vitamin since my daily diet intake kind of imbalance. 

Since I manage well in my 2 days juice cleanse. I am planning to do the 3 days next year after my working trip next 2 weeks.

This review is base on my pleasant experience getting all my cold pressed juice stock up. It is super delicious and fresh. I can feel their effort and research before even starting this cold pressed business. Congratulation to Cool Juice they just won me over as their customer.

Feel free to visit and start placing that bottles full of goodness nutrients and vitamins.

I am on my way to better health and hopefully to have less pain before my time to departure from this world.


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