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Yearly Affair with The Womens Weekly Malaysia

I am big fan of The Women's Weekly Malaysia Magazine ever since in my early 20s. I am still a big follower of this magazines. I tried not to miss workshops organize by this magazine. Previously, when I was in KL alone I have nobody to tag along with me to these workshops. Then my third sister started working in KL , I invited her to go with me. Recently, my last sister started working in KL too. It has been 2 years she joined my third sister and I. The Women's Weekly Malaysia beauty workshop become Sisters annual event for us. 

I told them this year will be my last one. Reason, I don't think they will invite me again even I want to attend due to age. Sometimes the sponsor especially for beauty products they will want the attendees to be young and at youthful age. Yeahhhh! age has no limit but still I can feel this becoming the obstacle in my life recently. You can talk whatever you want but hey.....this is the reality of life. I feel it now.

Same like last year this workshop was sponsored by The Face Shop Malaysia and co organized with The Women's Weekly Malaysia Magazine. Ohhhh!!! for all readers...FYI, I paid some fees to attend this. NO FREE ya! So don't come ask me how come you don't get the invite and so on, ok! Plus I need to apply for it and if got lucky they will select you. It has been 2 years my sisters and I got some lady luck with us. My third sister almost cannot make it and was added to the last minute due to some attendees back out! Phewwww!!!!

Started my last Sunday morning at the New World Hotel near Kelana Jaya. Last year event morning refreshment was way better than this. Around 10:00am there was another break. Just a simple 'fried meehoon' and hotdog wrap in pastry. A bit annoyed when the somebody kind of shoo us back to the room after barely 5 spoons of fried meehoon. Annoying part she told us off (to me personally) with saying... " We still will feed you for lunch. There are plenty of food waiting for you." My sisters and me was stunned and speechless. WTH! 

Nobody went into that room and out of that many crowd eating outside, why you just said that to us? Oh! by the way we reached early for registration. Barely no breakfast, just coffee, juices and cookies. Cookies??? For breakfast??? You should say so if you want us to eat breakfast else where before hand due to time constraint. We not so 'hadap' for free food. Oh! its not free. We contributed some amount for this workshop too. You should punished those Women who came late which result the workshop to start late and you guys running out of time. Almost choked with the fried Meehoon.

Just because you met me once in blogger event doesn't mean you can said that to my face and make me look like a glutton. Don't look down at me at such manner please! You guys only allowed 10 minutes break when the few minutes wasted to queue at the ladies and another one to get the food. Other then this.... I have no complain to this year beauty workshop and my sister and I really made a good memory here and we love it!

The Face Shop Beauty Tips and Make Up Demonstration

I love the Beauty Trainer from The Face Shop this year. The products and beauty tips presentation was fun, exciting with lots information. Last  year presenter was so dreadful and the feeling last year was like .... please kill me...please slap me... why am I wasting my time here. Main focus The Face Shop product for this year is Yehwadam skincare range. Nothing new to me. Since I am a beauty blogger myself. Hegelian is an anti aging range from The Face Shop. Talk about anti aging. My age for anti aging when aging has started???? huhuhuh...being negative again. 

This is nothing new since they highlighted this range in previous beauty workshop too. I was surprise they still focus on the same range since the beauty workshop Feb last year. mmmmmm........  I was told the Face Shop relaunched this age-defying skincare line as a tribute to the beautiful, confident women who have impacted our lives and inspired us. This range very pricey. Well...most anti aging range are expensive irregardless of its brand. 

Yehwadam is inspired by the traditional beauty secrets of Korean Women. The main ingredients consists of plants, herbs (ginseng) and flowers.

For those who have fine lines, wrinkles and loss of elasticity like me can say goodbye to it with regular use of The Face Shop Yehwadam range.

Did I get any of Yehwadam range from this beauty workshop?
They added in the trial kit of Yehwadam for attendees goodies to try. No bad for RM35 beauty workshop. On top of that received one full size raisins body butter and one meaningless cash voucher. Why I said meaningless cash voucher? Too many restriction for me to use it !

There was make up demonstration by popular beauty youtuber Emily Quak. After that all of us have fun to try out The Face Shop Make up range. The best 5 make up look walk away with beauty box full of The Face Shop make up. huhuhuh...congratulation to all winner. Yours truly still having problem with eyeliner. So no luck! I no talent in doodling on my face or paper. Ehehhh...

Candle Making Session

The highlight of this workshop is candle making. I was looking forward to this. Always wanted to try this out for once. Yeayyyy!!! finally. I even brought along my own essential oil which I bought during my recent trip to Bangkok. I made my own scented candle from scratch yo! I burn it last night and it smells super good. Now planning to get my own soy wax or bee wax to make my own candle myself. Ambitious me!!! Look forward for me the candle maker after I ditch my finger knitting hobby. Huhuhu....fickle me....

This is a half day workshop. After the candle making session and while waiting for our candle to dry out, we have our buffet lunch at Pasar Baru, New world Hotel. By that time almost 2:00pm. hmmmm.... still cannot 'brain' that feeding part statement during morning break. Next time if I have a chance to attend again...well if they read this post, I may stand no chance to attend. isk isk isk...I will make sure to at least have some breakfast beforehand. I have been attending many workshops organized by The Women's Weekly, nobody told me off in such manner! They always provide us good refreshment and lunch. I would say they are awesome to me for many year!


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