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[Travelogue Guilin, China] Where to Stay in Guilin?

I decided to create my first ever travel video with a voice-over format. It's kind of challenging task for me. I spent my whole Sunday to do this. I'm really a beginner in editing video. So, please pardon me for any glitch in my video voice-over. I don't really know which apps to use. Basically, I have to use three different apps for editing. Its really time consuming too.

I am still learning and hope to improve my skills soon. Some of the comments received - my voice sounded so 'cute'. I was like what? Shy! shy! cover my face.....hihihihihi... I never thought will sound like that in a voice-over.  There is another comment said my voice-over faded especially when I was talking over a video with some surrounding sounds. Noted! I will improve further.

For comment said, I am pretty... ehem..ehem...the tech nowadays can fool you. With just one click 'Meitu' will erase all fine lines and tone down all my chubby fat. Yes! it's all apps! In real, I am just an ordinary 'fat auntie'! save that 'pretty' comments for someone you meet in real life, ya!

Do you have any more comment for me? Please drop yours in my comment box in this blog. I will improve my next video.

I don't have many love and subscribers to my channel. isk isk isk

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A synopsis of my Travelogue Guilin China.

I started my 10 days travel to Guilin, China on the 24th Dec 2019. From Guilin, I took a 4 hours River Cruise along Li River to Yangshuo and then a 3 hours car ride up to Longsheng before head back down to Guilin. 

It was a great travel exploration for me. In Episode 1, I showcase my first-day exploration along the river beside the place I stay.

Where to Stay in Guilin?

Riverside Inn Central, Guilin situated at a strategic place and along one of the river in Guilin. It's not that easy to reach to this place since it located at small alley. Your cab driver have to stop at the main road and you have to drag your luggage for around 300 meters. You will the signage.

No lift! So as my room located on the 4th floor so I have to take quite a flight of stairs for 3 days stay. As I have a bad knee - it's kind of challenging task. The reception guy helps to carry up my luggage, otherwise, I would rather leave it at the reception for 3 days and pick what I want up. huhuhuh

The reception gentleman here quite friendly and can speak English. So, I book my Li River Cruise to Yangshuo from them. They even allow me to leave my luggage while I away for 4 days for my trip to Yangshuo and Longsheng. Awesome!

The surrounding of this place kind of convenient for me. I just need to go out to the main road and walk to my left and left again then walk straight ahead until reaching a traffic light, then cross the traffic light towards my right - here I reached the Ancient Mosque street. There are numbers of Halal Food Restaurant.

After my meal, I walked around the nearby park along the river to observe the local daily activities. In general, Guilin people more polite than the people in Xi'an, Lanzhou, Xining and even Tianjin.

I walked to Elephant Trunk Hill Scenic area the next morning and spend my second day exploring this major attraction.

So, please follow and subscribe for Episode 2 of my Travelogue Guilin, China.

Watch my video and don't forget to subscribe. :)

For my Muslim friends! don't fool yourself with what you read about China. I have been to almost 15 cities in China and they mostly respect the Muslim, there. Xi'an, Lanzhou and Xining have many Uyghur, Han and Hui ethnic too. They live peacefully practising the religion just like Muslim here in Malaysia. I don't have any problem with practising my religion and finding Halal food are very easy in China. One day, I will make my trip to Xinjiang and share my travelogue on my visit there. Hope can do that in near date.

We should see, experience and then comment. Not just read one-sided stories. We must listen to both sides of stories in everything. I always believe there is a reason for everything. Open your mind and your heart! Go out and experience on the other side of the world.


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