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Showing posts with the label Diet Tips

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40 Calories Meal with Ashitaki Noodles

Every time I visited other countries, I enjoyed shopping at local grocers. My last visit to Jakarta, I found a few interesting items which I end up bought back home. One of it is Ashitaki Low Carb Noodles . I am currently in the process of eating a low calories diet . ehem ehem...Wanna lose some weight! Well,  instead of getting all sort of instant noodles, I bought this low-calories noodles. Seriously, I don't have no idea what I put in my shopping trolley. I can't expect how it tastes too. Ashitaki Low Carb noodles are o nly 40 calories . Best of all the flavour I bought is 'Mi Rebus Soto' which is one of the famous must have local cuisine. It has the ticks on High Fibre, Low Fat and Low Carb. Alright! Sold! Back home, opened the packet...I was like ewwwwww...What is this? This looks like strands of crumple green rubber band stick together which will give me some digestion difficulties. Exactly, that was my honest impression when I unpacked the

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