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Showing posts with the label Glutton Princess

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Last Sunday, I was craving for delicious walnut carrot cake. Found this at Espresso Lab near One U. WTH! So damn shiok wor!!! Totally my taste. I am one person who are very picky when it comes to cake tasting. I only eat cream cheese with clean taste. Hate the thick too creamy and greasy taste! When it come to cake...mmmmmm...I don't like the fluffy and dry type. I love solid and moisture type of cakes. The cake need to be less sweet too!  I don't eat sweet cakes! So difficult huh??? This Walnut Carrot cake at Espresso Lab, seriously???? Give it a try! Its expensive, they charge you RM14 for one slice but to me it really delicious!    Lovely Sunday with delicious Walnut Carrot cake and pair with Latte After enjoying, found out my best friend came. WTH! I forgot to spare sanitary in my bag. End up at watson looking for the smallest ultrathin kotex. Lovely packaging from kotex and really convenient for emergency lady like


Today is first CNY and we are in the year of horse! I am one tiger survive in year of horse. Happy CNY everybody!!!  I bought cookies during my day trip to Malacca last two weeks. Happy Tiger! bought her favourite ...... Dragon cookies....50 pieces Pineapple cookies 80 pieces... This crab stick fried snack bought it near my office....with add to my collection... I bought all to enjoy during first day CNY while watching Stephen Chow movie... Who glutton side spoiled all my plan... My Dragon cookies all gone way before CNY eve...hohohohoho...I can't wait... At first ..I tried one...then another one then another one...and another continues...none stop... since that dragon melted away and taste yummy to this the time I realise...dragon cookies all gone! huhuhuhuhu...I miss you deeply Dragon cookies!!!! Pineapple cookies...I opened the second jar on CNY eve...thank God thi


  Very healthy red rice heh? But this is very hard red rice...yeah yeah..I suppose to put more water. My bad! My awesome Kimchi Jjigae save my lunch treat! Very easy to make this soup. Boiled water then add in cabbage kimchi, raddish kimchi, then add in tofu, optional salty fish. No need to season since I pour in kimchi juice in...serious awesome when you hungry! Served this with hot rice...


Last 2 weeks , I went out with being a vegetarian in my heart. End up dragging chinggu in my scheme ...together we be a vegetarian for the day...WTH! For my lunch...decided to try out Yishensu @ One Utama. My choice vegetarian fish head meehoon...I totally love it..guess because I am hungry! Chinggu..end up ordered pineapple fried rice with cashew nuts. I find this a bit at bad taste side since its cold.Yup! I guess its pre cooked. Seriously with this kind of price except with that outstanding orchid flower deco..the food was seriously sucks!!! Then later part for dinner, decided to go to our frequent place BMS Organic store...still at One U. My choice was Curry Laksa...still vegetarian and the best they use soy milk instead of coconut milk. Anyhow...guess they change cook...the taste not as delicious like before. Chinggu's choice was this yummy vegetarian bulgogi bibimbap. The sesame sauce make the taste delicious and that g


My HK post just ended yesterday.... Next week will start posting Macau trip. Last Saturday was at Tropicana City Mall for my breakfast and lunch. I met with 2 sets of friends. All from different company ex office mate. Lazy to make few trips to PJ so I end up get booked at same day and different session but same place ...and of course!!! different restaurant.   1st session was at 11:00am at Kluang Station...Thank you to Mama Julie for treating me that morning!!!!! Oh ya!!! my friend Jack is getting slimmer and more handsome now!!!! Yeahhhh!!!! people not even 30 years...of course still presentable...hope not seeing him with big belly in another 10 years meeting. Great to catch up with my friends and start imagining on how to catch up with them if I am 50 years old which is another 10 years from next year. Am I still alive at that time??? mmmmm.... will I be able to drive all the way to meet them to catch up ...or they have to catch me up at where ever I am or t

HANOI - 1st Night Foodies

I decided to go on short trip 24th - 28th Jan 2013. Yeay! for some people will think I just go on holiday and no working.... It look like that coz I just finish my post on Seoul trip which end on late Nov 2012. After this no more trip for me. I mean not so soon.... I will be saving up for my bunion feet treatment in HK.   At first, I wanted to visit Angkor Wat but the flight is so limited and not suitable for me. Then I thought of going to Saigon. But then read somewhere said Saigon is hot weather. So I shifted my plan to Hanoi which is up North of Vietnam. It was totally ad hoc plan. Anyway, boarded the plane and off me go to Hanoi on 24th Jan 2013.   as usual happy face going for holiday :)   my hotel room... love the fresh flowers. They even have fresh lilies near their small french deco lobby.   papaya salad   my first night dinner...again 'greedy woman' can't help her greediness...and ordered whatever she think goo


Happy Monday!!! Last Saturday never expect to go out as far as Malacca since I am getting prepared to stay at home. Yeah!!!! 'lazy ass' just wanna be 'couch potato'..muahahhaaha.. Motive to to find authentic 'Nyonya Food'. Eat??? Oh! I like!!!!! definately one 'selca' Top for today, I got it from my favourite carpark now become like this. according to the parking attendance there, they found old building site the archeology department is doing some research for this 'new found'. Yeah...I saw there are two well too...may be a palace? or ancient house? oh..whatever..I just wanna eat something now.. great photo skills??? sucks!!! they are having afternoon tea time moment on the other side of the river....whoa!!! so enjoy...and I so love to have that moment too. beautiful hibiscus fragrance Jasmine... 'nyonya delicacies'

Year 2013 -bE hEaLtHy AND mOrE ThAnKfUl

Tomorrow is new year 2013. We still breathing on this earth..... We still surviving on this earth..... What is your new year resolution? More money? Better future? Be richer? Handsome husband? Better car? Better home? Be a CEO of company? Lose weight? Travel around the world? Be more beautiful? Oh well.... you can start list it down as many as you can... No dream means .... it is end of your life... Keep dreaming and try to make it happen... Give yourself a realistic dreams....   For me... Year 2013 , I just want to be with the flow... Living my by day... Live my life at the best.... Be a good person... This is my promise to God!   enough of all know during Xmas day..I did something odd this year... I am in Malaysia. Normally , I will be travelling around to some other country... Oh well... since I just back from Seoul in November... so December need to stay in Malaysia and be a good girl...muahahaha  

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