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Showing posts with the label Glutton Princess

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Seoul - Street Snacks

So here come some of the photos , I manage to re size. So hate hate to do this re size job. Many more snacks photos but I am singing lazy this is what we get.....   This is not really a street snack but I love this traditional corn bread which I bought from one of the bakery near to place I stay. I found this snacks while walking towards Cheonggyecheon Stream which is located about 10 minutes walk from place I stay. It soft and have that red bean paste filling. I like!!!!    This one selling by the same Ajjumma ...look like a flat bread. Well...something like that ..this one hollow in the inside with caramel filling. Taste??? OK la... I am not fan of sweet thing.   I ate this fish bread everyday...everyday... I like... I bought this from one and only Ajjumma...because her fish bread nice ..the red bean filling not that sweet like others.   I saw this hotdogs...but can't try this one because this is meat. ...

Seoul - Foodies

I will slowly update my journey to Seoul last 2 weeks. All photos need to be resize to suit this size. So hate!!!! Can't you increase it for me for free????? huh huh...   OK...check out my feast during my journey to Seoul.   My bless plane food. I was given seafood meal..special request! Even my late night snack came with smoke salmon salad ..OMO!!!   This squid meal set is totally bless. My first time communicating with Ajumma.... I went to one restaurant..they just open because early in the morning. I saw they have photos and words in English. I then decided to try their spicy squid meal but don't know how to tell in Korean. I walked in to the restaurant. They greeted me ...Annyeong ha saeyo!!!! Me reply the same and smile.... One Ajumma at kimbap counter. Rolling rolling rolling...yeah..that kimbab look like sushi. One Ajumma serving me... She gave me the menu.. I go...OMO! all in photo no pi...

So Long farewell - Dom

Last Saturday, I have appointment with Jamie and Dom at Pavillion around 12:30noon. I was very the 'kiasu' afraid of traffic jam...yeay me to avoid stress... I came out very early at 9:00am in the morning. I reached there around 10:15am.Freaking traffic jam ok... like going to work on Monday....Ahhh!!!! so many free people like me...muahahahaha So early??? What should I do here....??? mmmmmm...... Evil side of me...start suggesting something to use more just came back from Seoul last week wor!!!! still got money left to spend meh??? At the end... I end up..... pampering myself at Thai Odyssey at Farenheit....muahahahahaha... this WOMAN good in spending money huh? But still .... I am also consider a lil smart in earning money......???? hehehehe...surviving ler.... So long never get massage... since I don't like aromatherapy massage...I big fan of thai traditional massage in another word I like to be pressed!!!!...

Pei Ling Chinggu's Birthday Dinner @ Chakri Palace

Finally, I found ways to maintain this blog...huhuhuhuhu relieve! I was so not use to that too. So my readers...I am not changing. I will stick to this blog so stay tune.... Last Friday...went for dinner with colleague at Chakri Palace , KLCC. Reason? Celebrate Pei ling Chinggu's birthday in advance...weeeeeeeeee!!!! Her actual birthday is on 30th Nov ...since I will be freaking busy next week and she will be away to Lego Land to fight with all kiddos there...hehehehe.. Here goes our night feast.... look at Fad....she is busy updating her instagaram...mmmm young people Happy face waiting for food...yum yum Seafood platter Chicken feet salad Seafood Tom Yam Khung Glutton colleague......muahahahahaha my face cannot be included... Since that Chinggu so demanding wanna haagen daaz ice cream cake.... enough lo... you can't finish it la and plus so bloody expensive cake and all of us have to eat it fast as we...

Dental Check up

Yuhuuuu... last Saturday I went for Dental check up again... Doc wanna check whether the implant healing well... So far so good.. Since I am lazy to drive out all the way to using my 'panda eyes' request a driver from 'chinggu'. Thank God! somebody not 'busy bee' on that I don't have to drive! Before my dentist appointment....breakfast time!!!!! Where??? Old Town Damansara... Old town white coffee choice for me ...nasi lemak...yup! need this since I am going away from Malaysia this Thursday... That 'chinggu' go western... me with my 'selca' Top from favourite online store shaking my leg ..waiting for my turn at dentist...kekekekeke

Ah...this is the feeling..

  Ah...that slit eyes woman again??? Selca..again!   Deepavali coming soon..    Check out for thick jeans at Uniqlo...ahhh.. I am too fat for their design..look so pumpkin or jackfruit to be exact...mmmmm  thought wanna go massage but end up that Chinggu want this Ding tea... I don't like this cold stuff...mmmm..too childish for me to drink this... I prefer professional latte? Chinggu said...feel like wanna kick my butt...ah! whatever!!!1 I want to be snobbish ...cannot ar??? I just want that feeling...  I want to get that spagetti strap we went to Sg Wang roof top... Since over here mainly youngster place... Chinggu were saying most of the people here is half our age and some can even be our teenage daughter or reply with confident face to this statement is... Oh! well ...I think I look younger than them... I got 'baby face' what...see see... Chinggu ...

Birthday year 2012 - 12.10.2012

I woke up with positive mind... Today is a special day! I want to have a humble birthday this year!!! Eheh! like I have grand birthday in past year....hehehehe My initial plan is this year to celebrate in another country like seoul.... ohhohohoho...talking about humble a second ago and now I am bragging...huh? Talking like all this no need money, huh??? Anyway, due to some reason...I am here in Malaysia and do it my style.... hehehe not 'Gangnam style' but 'Rina style'! Gangnam style too expensive, wor!   Chinggu due to fly off to Xiamen the next day.... The whole day on 12 Oct 2012, I have my personal driver....yipey!!! so called humble birthday huh       Start my day with shopping for grocceries to give out to Joy Garden Old Folk home near Semenyih.   I don't even have time to grab some breakfast for myself...isk isk... anyway good cause comes first! Love to see the happy face...I bought them buns too!!!!    ...

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