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Ridiculous Happinest

This morning I was in heavy traffic for almost 4 hours. At one point I feel hopeless and almost give up to reach office. I wish I could see the twin tower in front  of me but to my disappointment I can only see the same car behind for the whole time. I was like uhuhuhuhuh... I want cooooffffeeeee... I want my bread!!!! I want to go toilet my bladder is going to explode soooooonnnn.... My feeling at that point....almost the reverse of orgasm... huhuhuhu Talking about my ridiculous happinest which lead to psychonest in me. Everyday, I will try to keep myself happy and live my life positively. On the road - I will feel happy if I can use my usual lane. While I am driving - air my favourite song Breakfast - my coffee according to my taste. - toast bread is perfectly toasted. Work - I manage to solve problem for people. At night - watch my favourite program and laugh happily Shopping - I get 50% discount for item I like I can smile the whole day for

How to survive a difficult boss

My friends message me via FB last night and the message read like this, " Woit! woman you too free ar??? Update your blog many times in a day??? Thought you always a busy woman??? Please explain to me you over free timeeeeee!!!! " Big LOL first - not that I am too free but most of the post done the day before and most of post are schedule but yesterday one are totally screwed up case and I wrongly entered the time. Here I am no more stock in hand to published :( Chatting to one of ex colleague last night and she finally found herself new job. Whoa! finally you will be out of that place. To cut the story short my previous boss is the most difficult boss to please. People in the industry who see me survive with him for almost 3 and half year, respect my survival like I am a GODDESS! hahaha ...bragging again! Remember my previous entry? Don't talk negative about your previous employer. I would like to add to that. " We could learn from their mistake and turn the n

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