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Early April, I travel to Saigon with my Last Sis for first time. Yup! first time travel with somebody after years traveling with just me. We took Air Asia not Vietnam Airlines....hehehehe This trip not really plan. Just one ad hoc travel for the sake feel like getting out of Malaysia. Oh! WTH! I sounded like so rich woman huh? Reached at Saigon Airport, we were greeted with crowds of young girl with all those banners. 'I love You' and bla bla bla banners Aikkkksss! my sis and I thought we are like 'hallyu star' I was dragging 'fat bag' out while my eyes busy looking for signage for 'CINDYRINA'. My sis with her 'bloody heavy' bagpack...and she was busy looking at the line of girls waiting anxiously for somebody important to walk out from international arrival. Me : Wei! look for my name le...quick we need to go to Hotel. Tired le... My sis : but no your name only 'M-Tiful' Me : huh??? vietnamese band ke? My sis : No


  This unique one pillar pagoda is just walking distance from Uncle Ho Mausoleum. Here comes the story of the one pillar pagoda... The King had a vision of Budha sitting on a lotus flower and promising him a boy. Yeah yeah...King got no child yo! He then built this pagoda sitting on a pond like a giant flower on its tall stem! Inside that one little pagoda is????? Whatelse???? Buddha statue for people to worship. Many local came to worship for baby here!     viet snack counter...everyone???? in that big jar is MANGO!!! Did I try that??? Hell !!! NO!!!


  Hello to this late Uncle Ho aka Ho Chi Minh. I met him at his Mauoleum. I saw 'dead people' body! I hear no evil and see no evil and I am the evil one.....muahahahaha Creepy hor!   Who is Ho Chi Minh? He is the father of democratic republic of vietnam. This humble old man has been living as single throughout his life.   It was so strict to get into his Mausoleum. No camera. No talking Dress decently. Leg must be covered. No shorts, no mini skirts strict behaviour enforced by staff and guards. They scanned you like you are boarding plane.... If you carry big bag...SORRY you got to leave it with them. Oh! they scanned your bag too. Visitors must be silent and walk in two lines. Hands must no be in pockets, nor arms crossed. Smoking, drinking,eating,photography, and video taping are also not permitted anywhere inside mauseleum.   What you can see in Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum? I witnessed Uncle Ho body. His body was well kept w


Yes! This week I will conclude my Hanoi travel log. long huh? Sick and lazy is my reason for taking that long!   I spend second last day with touring the city of Hanoi. Oh! well to be exact is wondering around the 'Old Quarter'.   Befor going for breakfast.....muahahahaha...'selca' selca' selca'     Thick strong Viet Black coffee....eyes wide awake at night with just one cup of those!   Love this western style breakfast and I am in Hanoi! So this traditional breakfast rice pancake with mushroom...bland but fresh taste! Oh well...taste like Chee Cheong Fun !!!     From my City tour bus...I can see the view of Hanoi people activities early in the morning.   This is where they have breakfast!!! Look like as if they are squatting down! Their breakfast mainly, Pho or rice pancake or glutunious rice with ground peanuts.   or they with have this French style bread sandwich w


Second night.... finally Taiwan Uncle and Auntie finished silk shopping... Reach..hotel still not dark yet...tonight don't care need to hunt for Vietnamese famous Pho'.     many people says this to me...if you want to cross the street in just need to close your eyes and walk and walk and walk..the motorist will avoid you... Who is so crazy to follow that ho??? Me??? No up trying to find local who want to cross the street and follow beside them... die die together lor!!!! If you wait to cross the street with hope the traffic will stop???? Huh??? go back hotel and sleep better le... they will never stop for you !!!   If in Malaysia....mamak shop by the street with plastic chairs and table Seoul with all those plastic cover tent... Then in Vietnam...this lowered plastic stool is their layparking place....there there in the simple...very difficult to walk..   more place to eat...but me feel this is dirty.

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