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Showing posts with the label abam

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What is Abam ?

Since last year I notice Malay male referring themselves as 'Abam' in their FB timeline post. At first I thought its their 'calling name'. But then it not just one. Here 'Abam' and there ' Abam'. All different people referring themselves as 'Abam'. I want to ask friend but most close friend is Chinese. Owhhh! they will laugh at me if I ask them that question. I am the one suppose to know this. haihhhhh.... The introvert me then use the usual way. Just google the word. The result show me that! I was like....WHAT???? You mean those people has been referring themselves 'Abam' ...and that 'Abam' means is one of those? Cannot be...right? It just doesn't make sense to me. goshhh!!! I need to solve this mystery tonight or I can't sleep tonight. It was on Sunday night by the way.I need to find out. Best Malay connection is my 2 sisters. Posted in our usual 'Kakaotalk' Me : Girls! may I

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