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Showing posts with the label here goes my waffle

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Here goes my waffle

I started out very bubbly and chirpy as usual on Monday morning. Everything went hair wired after lunch. No.. no.. not due to heavy lunch! I just took mushroom omellet and my favourite 'okra' for lunch. Maybe part of it due to my 2nd day PMS. Yeah! when you are not married and mid 30s your hormones tend to influence your system and emotion. I can't deny this. Mid life crisis hahaha... Yeah yeah I still can laugh despite having a bad day. Not too bad but still unexpected for Monday. What happen after lunch? I got bad migrane and make thing worst I have to maintain my sweet smile despite being in pain just to make sure my emotion doesn't affect people around me... If not people will start saying yeah!!! she is not married and lack of sex thats why so emotional....Ah! so painful.. I went back on time today. Thank God! my Boss went home early today. My uterus part very painful plus my head feeling like got hammered or something. I still need to drive home.. on the way feeli

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