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Showing posts with the label monday Blues

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Bad Employee

Happy Monday WWW!!!! If yesterday is lazy Sunday today is Monday Blues !!! Normally, on Monday I will be expecting sms from staff reporting they will be late,on EL (self declared extend off day),MC and many more excuses. Nothing much we can do but just to deal with this lazy people. We always bitch or talk about Bad Boss and so on. Now, let us reflect to ourself as an employee and how Bosses categorized their employee. Bad attitude employee : 1. Unreliable 2. Unwillingness to take responsibility 3. Procrastination 4. Resistance to change 5. Negative attitude (this is major gravity to the organisation) 6. Unwillingness to learn 7. Calculating So ??? still wanna bitch about your boss??? Change yourself ,stop whining!!! Be thankful that you still getting your full paycheck at the end of the month!

Monday Again

OMG!!! its Monday???? Monday is the most difficult transition for us after weekend. How to start your week with less grumpy and make it happier??? Here are few suggestion to kick start your week. Wear your best dress Turn on your favourite music on while you are driving to work Eat you favourite food for breakfast (oopppsss for those who are fasting jut skip this one,ok) Greet people around you with bright smile Clean your office table and make it tidier Ask you office mate on how is their weekend Try to help them is possible Come out with a to do list for the week Call out to your friends and talk about fun topic more to list just think about positive and fun thing and your week will be better and happier! Happy Monday WWW!

Monday Blues

Monday blues mood almost over! (click on the link and you will learn how to beat Monday Blues) As usual traffic was unnecessarily slow. I guess I am not the only one dragging to work :) Thank God! I smart enough to bring mug of hot black coffee to accompany me and keep me awake. Received sms early in the morning, The Master not flying back this week. I guess will not be seeing him this week or next week. He is flying in back and I will be flying off out. Ah! I like it! He came out with all outrageous reason to bind me into his company. I am trying my best to get out. How I wish I can have that easy to let go attitude! How I wish I could walk away without even care and sing this song.... I don't care! I don't care! er er er... I don't care! er er er... But I am too care er er er... I know I know decision in my hand... I will let go I will let go... matter of time because my temperament is over the top! Let me finish read this book about 'Letting G

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