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Showing posts with the label sushi king ramadhan

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Weekend Ramadhan Feast

During weekend, Chingu will drop by to bring me out for delicious iftar. Normally will end up at Sushi King or Secret Recipe...well not much choices there since this is the only restaurant we could find seat and willing to entertain us during that peak hours. Normally , at sushi king I will settle with assorted sushi but there is one weekend, I end up ordered....     Spicy udon   Takoyaki   Red bean fish bread   Yeah!!!! so greedy of me...and end up over eat all those...   The other day, there is no seat for us at sushi king so we both settled at Secret Recipe...they have vegetarian choices but me feel don't like it end up ordered..   Thai fried rice seriously the 'sambal belacan' damn 'syiok wei'! I ate it all... Reached home ...throw everything in toilet bowl...yeah...stomach couldn't take this very well... Damn 'syiok' but unable to digest!   This is chingu set at Secret Recipe...I think i

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