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Showing posts with the label traffic jam

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I was driving back home last week usual traffic was so bloody slow. Damn! why all this people need to go back at the same time??? My selfish thoughts!!! I was at along Jalan Cheras when this car on my left...chilli red S5 Audi....and you know normally all this expensive car driver...usually is old man, not so good looking one or amoy who have so much 'money'. OMO! not this one!!!! The driver.... I think I am in love... He is so cool.... Help me...I am looking for a good looking guy with his right ears piercing and driving Chili Red Audi - S5....and the car plate number is W_ _    12.  People is driving lowered car and I am driving high car so can't really see all the alphabet but his number is 12. What I want to say to him???? Hey dude!!!! you look so cool driving that car!!! Nothing more.... I swear!!! hihihihihihihi


Looooooonnnngggggg way to go..... hehehehe finally I can have time to finih off my water melon while waiting.....

Traffic Jam -What you do?

What I do when I am trap in traffic jam...somemore in the tunnel like this??? No other view...except for 'butt' of the car in front me??? Boring!!! Practise my speech? Singing to myself? mmmmmm...... the most enjoyable thing to do is eatttttt!!!!!  Orange cut leftover since morning.....need to fininsh it hahahaha.... OMO!!! what kind of entry ???? today? Aishhhh.... whatever come across my mind and I just type it out freely hahaha enjoy your day!!!!

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