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Showing posts with the label you are nothing

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I wish U wish

This morning, almost late than usual due to overslept... Not because I overworked myself but overdreamt lol.. Yup! suppose to do my assignment but end up watching Lee Min Hoo. I wish I live in that world! I know its all fantasy but don't you think its nice to make it reality..mmmm wonderful life! I don't wish myself as Jan Di the girl character. Yeah! character a lil bit the same clumsy, silly and temper! But I don't really have that much courage like her... Today line up 3 candidates to come in for interview from different post. 2 for accounts position and 1 for trainee. End up 1 call said grandma pass away. 1 turn up and the other one said too busy to come today. What the heck??? I wish this people realise how disappointed I am today! The accounts fella... how to say ya... reason leaving current company because he is married and now have kids and need more money! When asked what have you done to upgrade yourself in order to earn more money? The answer is nothing! Simple a

Life is like a BIG WHEEL

Life is like a BIG WHEEL... Why did I bring up this issue? I known one man whom thinks he is on top all the time. He may have money. Not that much money to compare to any other tycoon but just enough for him to retire and live for another 1 generation. What I want to point out here.. He always thought he is the most successful person on earth. As 3rd person whom see the '3D' version..(ny point of view) he is not sucessful at all. He may be a businessman but not that successful one. He may be thought he may grow his business to become multi national one day! Yo man! long way to go... Build up the team to be successful.. You are nothing without any loyal team. You are nothing if you don't trust people. You are nothing if you are not willing to let go. You are nothing if you think money is everything. You are nothing if you don't learn how to delegate. You are nothing if you do every single task on your own with thinking only you can do the best job. You always thought yo

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