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I wish U wish

This morning, almost late than usual due to overslept...
Not because I overworked myself but overdreamt lol..
Yup! suppose to do my assignment but end up watching Lee Min Hoo.

I wish I live in that world!
I know its all fantasy but don't you think its nice to make it reality..mmmm wonderful life!
I don't wish myself as Jan Di the girl character.
Yeah! character a lil bit the same clumsy, silly and temper!
But I don't really have that much courage like her...

Today line up 3 candidates to come in for interview from different post.
2 for accounts position and 1 for trainee.
End up 1 call said grandma pass away.
1 turn up and the other one said too busy to come today.
What the heck???
I wish this people realise how disappointed I am today!

The accounts fella... how to say ya... reason leaving current company because he is married and now have kids and need more money!
When asked what have you done to upgrade yourself in order to earn more money?
The answer is nothing!
Simple answer I can offer him, he will get nothing too.... fair???
I think this is fair.
People like me over the years trying my best to upgrade myself from time to time..
Yeap! i changed number of jobs here and there because I want more money too..
Everytime I will equiped myself with knowledge not just simply jump and demand.

I ensure anybody whom hire me before will agree with my statement... it is worth it to pay me.. and maybe underpaid because most of the time I will do more that what they expected.
Not to mentioned the current one... they save a lot in term of payroll.
4 people job handle by one person what else you can wish for if you have SUPERWOMAN in D OFFICE :)

I wish I can be SUPERWOMAN! put up that brave face and save the world... (need to re design the outfit though... too old fashion)
I wish I can be Britney Spears ... dancing and miming on the stage with jz a bikini suit no matter what people said about my flabby , I jz dance and miming happily...shake it shake it baby... ooppss I did it again and again hahaha
I wish I am Goo Jun Pyo - F4 beloved girl. He love me not I love him hahaha more power if like that..
I wish I am Queen Rania , beautiful , rich and have big heart too but of course I can choose which husband I want..
I wish I am Beyonce talented woman, beautiful, sexy and rich and confident ... I dont want that Jay Z guy maybe change to someone better..
I wish I can finish every assignments come and pass the exam by jz blinking my eyes like ' I dreamt of Genie' ... then I can jz watch my ugly betty, my boy before flower and my CSI and more and more and more...
how I wish how i wish.... this list will on and on....

let me go to sleep and continue this all...

Tomorrow my assignment day... so let me go chill out under my beloved red blanket...

How I crazy about Johnny Depp when he was young at 21 jump street last time and this is how I crazy i am about my lee min ho now.....
Can't believe at this age I still can have this crush to this extreme extend..... i must be one mad woman... who live alone too long and lonely hahahaha seriously truly, deeply and madly in love...

Recruitment day 3 tomorrow...I feel tired ledi.
But hey... i feel motivated ledi coz I did shopping therapy bought myself 3 dorothy perkins tunics and hoodies... tomorrow delivery... power of online.
not so much of the damage coz manage to get it cheap..
baju raya maybe??
Mum kill me if I wear that during raya ...
Dig out my last year baju kurung...
only wear it once a year! hihi

My tummy still bloated due to eat not at right time...


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