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I am glad today is Saturday!!! Enjoying morning black coffee after morning running...totally my style!!!! Yesterday, I feel I took the longest lift ride down from 20th floor. There was this couple in the lift together with me. They really made me feel like I am 'Lamp Post'! I will refer them as Boy and Girl... Boy : Cutie Pie! where you want to go for dinner? (Pie Comel! mana awak nak makan malam ni?) Girl : Ah! Pumpkin! you choose la... (with very babyish tone and she really made my hair strand stand still) (Ah Labu! awak pilih la....) Boy : you choose la... (awak pilih la...) Girl : aloooooooooo..... (she made this sound with the nasal voice ok...and it was damn long..aloooooo) Boy push girl and girl push boy and kekekekekekeke sounds of childish giggle from both of them. I may sounded a bit jealous because they have each other....but seriously....I keep thinking myself as Ally Mcbeal... you know that comedy series in year 1997.....


I am at this stage...reaching to the eruption level. I hope I don't explode that bad... Trying my best to control my speech...not to hurt people..not to make enemy... Trying my best to love instead of hate... Trying my best to control my bluntness.... Arrgggghhhhhh!!! this is killing me softly! I am praying hard my temper don't explode and make me an ugly person. I am praying hard ....I don't regret on my act! By holding all this ...I think ...I am going crazy...the anger is like boiling hard! I wanna let it go...but I keep thinking about it and this make me more angry! Seriously, I am not adorable when I am angry! 'One of my EMO post'


step 1 : Chestnut you can buy the pack chestnut from hypermarket or 7 Eleven. Step 2 : Crushed chestnut until become like this I don't have food processor...and I am lazy to wash my blender. I just put all chestnut in plastic bag, then took my hammer...repeat again hammer...just hammer it down..crushed it until like that! I have good time crushing this chestnut...good to release stress with that hammer!!   Step 3 : standby disposable plastic glove...then make that chestnut powder into small balls like that....but mine hor...not small ball...make it big ball because I want to finish it soonest possible..impatient!!! Step 4 : rolled over your chestnut balls with your favorite flavor. In my case , I have black sesame and soy bean powder I rolled my chestnut ball onto that two flavor powder. Mind that ball shape...not that Artistic to make everything so perfect round....hehehehee this is the impatient type of bal...


I went out with Chinggu on Sunday and got some CNY goodies for me...I feel so blessed!!! * Yummy homemade prawn crackers! * Delicious sweet cherries * korean seaweed * my favourite kit kat * Angpow..DAEBAK!!!! This kiddo so pass out at One U Starbuck!!! Eat too many CNY goodies...somebody dragged her out...I feel her being forced....when she feel like not getting out from her bed...hahahaha ...poor girl! Settle with some brunch at Dubu Dubu...whatever it is that rice drink is awesome..although I break my principle and drink ice drink muahahaha That 'goreng Pisang' auntie from SS2 got some money and set up one small kiosk in One U Street food section...not bad are awesome...guess this is the third or fourth generation way to continue the  family business for years.   End my first CNY outing with this Yee Sang moment... as usual both of us whispering away the Yee Sang moment... to avoid next table hear our wishes....


"Though we've got to say goodbye for the summer Darling, I promise you this I'll send you all my love everyday in a letter Sealed with a kiss" Yup! I am in sentimental mood...unable to face the fact my holiday is going to be over....goshhhh!!! Tomorrow is the day to face the reality of life... Wanna live means you gotta earn...wanna earn means you gotta work!!!gotta work means...need to face all those traffic in the morning...and bla bla bla bla...more and more whining going on here... I really feel like doing some protest because Mr Holiday is leaving me. But useless to protest with nobody listen to me....protesting to myself is useless...haisshhhhh!!!! Mr Holidayyyyyy!!!!!...don't leave me...I wanna live with you... But the Mr Holiday said...he is over me...I told him I am in love with him! Mr Holiday promise to visit me ...but not so soon...I am going to miss you Mr Holiday...madly deeply truly....Mr Holiday! you are so BAD!!! Here goes my ...

BEST Fat Burning Exercise EVER - YOGA BURPEE Weight Loss Workout - BEXLIFE


Today is first CNY and we are in the year of horse! I am one tiger survive in year of horse. Happy CNY everybody!!!  I bought cookies during my day trip to Malacca last two weeks. Happy Tiger! bought her favourite ...... Dragon cookies....50 pieces Pineapple cookies 80 pieces... This crab stick fried snack bought it near my office....with add to my collection... I bought all to enjoy during first day CNY while watching Stephen Chow movie... Who glutton side spoiled all my plan... My Dragon cookies all gone way before CNY eve...hohohohoho...I can't wait... At first ..I tried one...then another one then another one...and another continues...none stop... since that dragon melted away and taste yummy to this the time I realise...dragon cookies all gone! huhuhuhuhu...I miss you deeply Dragon cookies!!!! Pineapple cookies...I opened the second jar on CNY eve...thank God thi...

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