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Be a Korean at 'heart' and live in Malaysia make me miss so much of Korean Food.  kakakaka...this statement really made me  'kacang lupa kulit' and one of those who forgotten the origin.  I am one confused lady so forgive me for my 'brainless' statement'. As long as I am happy and don't hurt others...I am fine to live my life the way I like. Recently , so craving for authentic Korean food. Since I left Busan and Jeju end of last year...the thing I miss the most is the food. Found this Korean Restaurant at Solaris called 'CRAZY FISH'. Damn! forgot which 'jalan' is this place and I am lazy to google about this too. huhuhuhuh...'lazy mode'. The name crazy fish because the serve fresh sashimi and other seafood dish.  Chinggu is one person who can't take raw fish and spicy food.  The opposite of him...this woman eat almost anything and more daring and adventurous to try out new dish too. Raw fish is a big


Like it or not Blogger is the new outreach concept for advertiser. There are many of them just a bunch of freebies grabber which I could say they are the one who tarnish the blogger sphere. Many of them really take blogging seriously and totally into it out of passion to writing and discovering new things. Real blogger does not write the untrue story because the blogger are suppose to be the real consumer testimonial. The sweetening stories on product only come if it really works.  The truth is many bloggers gives a fake review just to please the advertiser or PR firm to gain more future invites and  sponsorship. Shame on them. I took blogging as my passion since last year and my inbox are pouring with opportunities to cover the latest and the greatest things. These opportunities comes equally with trash inquiries too. 1. "YOU WEREN'T INVITED, BUT PLEASE PUBLISH HOW GREAT OUR EVENT WAS." How do I comment this?  Well...if you think blogger i


I started my last week with some drama at Pudu Sentral. I was in need to go to Pudu Sentral desperately but my limitation to drive there make me installed the 'MY TEKSI' apps to my phone desperately. I heard about them but never thought I would need them. Downloaded this apps within a minutes and get it in running immediately. So easy breezy! I think for first timer you will get some promotion or something but since I was in hurry...I care less about all those promotional thingy. Even the TEKSI driver told me I should have grabbed the promotional code. Aisshhh!! No need lerrrr.. I gotten 'MY TEKSI' like  less than 5 minutes.  So easy! But the drama started when I call 'MY TEKSI' from 'PUDU'. Being the 'oldies' , I still thought the 'PUDU SENTRAL' is 'PUDU RAYA'. I tried to find 'PUDU RAYA' but couldn't find in the list. At last I selected 'PUDU PLAZA' since to me


I travel back home town in Taiping on last long weekend of Labour Day. It was a difficult journey until I felt that it is not even weekend to enjoy. Well, my definition of long weekend is 'waking up' late and eat and do nothing. WTH! So lazy ar this 'fat ass'...kakakaka... Friday morning, I woke up at 3am and then out from my place to fetch my sis at 3:30am. I reached her place around 4:30am. We started our journey immediately. Both of us was very nervous when we notice the numbers of car on the road grow tremendously when we was approaching Rawang. WTH! with this people??? Can't you guys stay home or go a little later. Goodness sake! the rooster not Cookoo yet la!!!! The sun not even reach to Malaysia yet and the moon is still on shift. The traffic standstill at Rawang and all those stupid idiotic reckless driver was on the lose. The emergency lane is the race track for them. My sis check the waze apps and the color was red and orange all the way ahead


I was invited to try out  food at place called Wanderlust @ Solaris. This place is a total revamp from the same owner who formed Solaris  Mont Kiara's Departure Lounge. Just like its simple and cheeky interior, the food here is worth to give it a try. The effort crafted into the food serve to you shows the skilfully thought of creation by the team. See all these crafty paper planes and even the luggage ??? I love it...when I was told that Wanderlust concept is for people who have passion in traveling and enjoy great coffee.They have award winning BARISTA in the house!!! O yeah! Just by looking at the minimalist and casual interior, one might be thinking they don't give attention much of food served. Surprise!!!! Wanderlust team are bunch of creative and playful people when it come to food served. Playing around with the restaurant theme which is travel, the menu was cleverly created without taking out the taste for granted.   Chicken Chicharron w


Last Friday...I was walking around KLCC. I was not in the right mind due to lots of think a tank going on since last night. Damn!  While walking around...feel like craving for a slice of authentic moist butter cake.WTH! I found my favourite cafe sells butter cake to my liking. At cashier..... Back home...look myself in the mirror...OMG!!! I look like 'mad woman' and my hair really go 'hair wire' just like my mind.isk isk isk... I swearrrrrrrr!!!! I 'die die' hate that fella. At least tell la....huhuhuhuh... I was proud walking around KLCC for hours feeling like so 'PRETTY WOMAN! WTH! The truth is.... DAMN!!! thats why so many eyes looking at me today. I thought I was extra attractive. isk isk isk...DAMNNNN!!!! Can't let go that embarrassing feeling for days...after the incident. Lesson learn : Mirror will be my BEST FRIEND from now on. That butter cake...I am not eating it more! O

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