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Things To Do in Khao Yai after Sunflower Season

End of January 2018 , I have an opportunity to visit Khao Yai which is around 2.5 hours journey from Bangkok by car. I personally don't favor Bangkok because this city is super havoc. Knowing my style of traveling , I prefer to visit beautiful green or colorful natural scenic area with sounds of bird chirping away and leaves slapping each other when wind blow rather than concrete jungle with the sound of car and motorbike roaming around.

I checked around and found Khao Yai. To my disappointment the best of Khao Yai is the Sun Flower field which season starts mid Nov and end around mid January. My trip was exactly end of January which was end of Sunflower season. Damn it! I can't make a trip earlier due to work reason. I was so skeptical to make a trip winthout any Sunflower field add to my itinerary. Not much to expect rather than continue with my trip with open heart and open mind.

Come read my journey 3 Days / 2 Nights at Khao Yai end of January 2018 ....

I booked my trip to Khao Yai with some driver from Khao Yai. I searched around and to me they offer reasonable price. My flight from KUL reached around 3pm. I booked car with driver to Khao Yai the same day. The view along the way via expressway from Don Muang Airport , was not so pleasant to my eyes. My journey pass through huge industrial area on my left and right. There are many big lorries and mostly dragged more than one container. Overloaded!

Reached Khao Yai around almost 6pm. Land structure at Khao Yai is not hilly or whatsoever but it just look super fertile to me. The flower was still blooming and the architecture of the resort , hotels, cafe are super fascinating to my eyes.Its like in another world! Am I in Thailand or in Europe ?

When I reached the hotel .... I was like...OH MY GOD! Thank you so much for letting me live life until now. I fee like I was transported into sort of fairy tales story book. The resort booked is a French Style building with beautiful garden and man made river. Even the driver who drop me off there claimed out aloud .....' Wow! beautiful place...very beautiful! Good night sleep!

I will talk about this place in separate post.

Since I arrived in the evening, I spent my time the resort. By the way the resort is totally out of no where. So inconvenient but I love the relaxing environment it so much! I even a candle light dinner with mosquitoes. WTH! But....I was still happy! 

The next morning , the driver came to pick me at 9:00am for a full day Khao Yai tour. Here goes my awesome one day journey at Khao Yai.

Things To Do at Khao Yai after Sunflower Season

1. The Bloom

I reached The Bloom around 9:30am. This place is the largest flower garden in this area. I think the land size around more or less 100 acres... and full with many species of flowers. If you don't like flowers this place will be super boring for you. 
I used to boast out , I am not girly and don't fancy flowers kind of girl. Duh!!!! I think ...I am a sucker when it comes to flower now. Oh! Changing in preference.
I paid THB120 entrance fees which included less 10 minutes buggy ride. Buggy ride kind of interesting too. I love the short ride because I have a chance to enjoy the overall view surround the area. Its impossible to to that by foot.They do have some beautiful resorts in this area too. The room look super chic and boutique kind of design. I was the one and only person since it was early in the morning. So the buggy ride and the flower garden is only me and the gardener there.Yippeeeyyy!!!!

The Buggy driver stop me at this sheep farm and shown me how to feed them. I am one person who are not so friendly with kids or animal. So...what you expect me to do with this sheep. I just look at them ...snap a photo and that's it! The buggy driver are the one who feed the sheep. lol..this woman so unfriendly!

WTH! Really feel like some European Princess enjoying the garden view. But I am not European look a like. I am more Thai Princess kind of look. hahaha...Yeah! I am use to people who thought I am the local here. People speak Thai to me everywhere. Totally blend with the local. I bet those who love to pose pretty, will have a super good time here. Especially when you have it all for yourself. Every corner full of flowers and instagram worth it! Get ready with your tripod or bring along someone who are patient enough to be your photographer. If you are tired , there are cafe nearby too. You can enjoy sorbet or cafe latte while enjoying this superb view.

I am unable to visit Saraburi Sunflower Field in this this trip because its end of season. But I still find some Sunflower , here at The Bloom. So I don't really miss out that much.

Since its still in the morning , I don't really feel the heat yet! It was a good short visit for me before moving on to my next location which I have a guided tour booked at 10:30am.

The Bloom by TV Pool
Pak Chong District, Nakhon Rachasima, Thailand
Business hour : 7am to 8pm

2.  PB Valley Khaoyai Winery

It always my dreams to visit Grape Vineyard and Winery place. This is like a dreams came true. If you are interested to do Winery and Grapevines tour, please make sure to book the guided tour with PB Valley here. I just message them in FB and booked the earlier tour for the day which start at 10:30am. By the way , this place is just around 5 minutes drive from The Bloom. I paid THB320 for Winery guided tour.

The location of this Vineyard is near the valley of Khaoyai  mountains and surround with Khaoyai National Park. So the soil here is fertile and blessed.

Its not just a regular vineyard but PB Valley also comes with a scenic beauty. I was so overwhelmed by the time I stepped out from the car until to the end of my tour. I wish could stay there even longer to enjoy the beauty in front of me.

Malaysian you don't have to fly all the way to Europe for a vineyards visit. Just book a ticket to Thailand for this Vineyards experience once in a lifetime. 

This place is huge. I don't think anybody can walk around 1,000 acres of vineyard and plantation. The best about this tour is you enjoy the buggy ride around the vineyard towards the winery. I opted to sit at the end of the buggy since the rest of the seat leg space are super small. My weak leg will be super stressful. It was a reverse seat and I expect would feel a bit dizzy with reverse view but I don't. Yeay!!!!

The buggy stop at one of the vineyards with ripe grapes waiting to be harvested in the next 3 days. Yes! they are having the harvest festival in another 3 days from my trip. Visitors can enjoy the grapes picking and feet stomping during this time. But for me , I was told to only take a selfie with the grapes. No grapes picking. But this is enough to make me feel over the top since it was my first time in the grapevine. Grapes on my left ...Grapes on my right! Oh my Gosh! its enough for me with just this. I feel complete already! Don't laugh!

After selfie session with grapes. We move to the winery. Here we learn many things about wines production and some wine tasting session too. There are many type of wines from Chanin Blanc, Shiraz to Rosettes. Wines here are not for sales. If you interested to buy , you can visit selected wine outlets in Bangkok. PB Valley has won many outstanding awards with their wines produce. It is a quite fair impressive lists of awards and accomplishment!

For those who can't take alcohol, PB Valley prepare in house produce grapes or mango juice.It refreshing delicious to quench the thirst after a long tour. 

You can also dine at Great Hornbill Bistro here at PB Valley. This outstanding bistro offers a spectacular view of mountain and valley which will give you a great dining experience of Thai Cuisine. I don't do that. I have many other place to visit on that day.

One thing, if I happen to have opportunity to get married. I want to hold my wedding reception here at PB Valley with a back drop of beautiful mountain , valley and grapevines. But...of course this is not going to happen because who in sober mind want to propose to this fussy high maintenance old maid! WTH! kekekeke...

PB Valley Khaoya Winery
Payayen PakChong Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
(Guided tour will take around 1 1/2 hours and you need to book the tour at their fan page)

3. Primo Piazza

This place is another instagrammer haven. I paid entrance fees of THB100 and was greeted with elegant Italian architecture building and cozy atmosphere. It was scorching hot by the time I reached this place.

I just walked around enjoying the atmosphere. Since it was during the weekday , not many people here at this hour. I just walked around enjoying the atmosphere and pretend I was visiting Italy! WTH!

Every nook and corner is place for you to snap photo. I just love this place because the ambiance really make my mind at peace.

Owh! this is what you call vacationing. Walk and enjoy the surrounding ?

The highlight of Primo Piazza is you got a chance to feed and petting the Alpacas, Donkey and Merino. As I mentioned , this woman not so friendly with animal or children. I still walk towards this place despite the strong poo smells hit my nose. Gosh!!!! From far this animals are super adorable. The guardian there asked me to feed , pet and even take some selfie with this animal. hahahahaha ME????

Click..cluck...Click..Cluck!  Bye bye cuties!

I am off to pretend one lonely woman sitting at this cafe with Italian surrounding with hope some handsome man walk in and ask to get to know me...... and I live happily ever after.

Then of course this will only happen in the movie of drama. In real life....I will just sat there and gobble up and busy adding some fat to my chubby body with those delicious German cookies , Cafe Latte and Coconut Cakes. A few minutes after I feel the urge to run to the nearest toilet due to diarrhea. WTH! Lucky just a mild attack.

Primo Piazza
Address : Mu Si Nakhon Ratchasima,Thailand.
Opening hours : 9 am to 10pm
Entrance fees : THB100

4. Farm Chokchai

This is a pre book guided tour. I booked 2:30pm tour price THB150. This is my first time to visit dairy farm. Farm Chokchai produce its own milk produce using brand call ' Umm!...Milk'.

The farm has more than 3,000 exclusive bred dairy cattle which is cross between Holstein-Friesian with a native Thai species and they called it 'Super Gene'.

It was a very informative guided tour. I watch a video of artificial insemination and get to see the milking process. They did called out for those who wants to get their hands on milking the cow. Me? Touching the cow 'nen nen'? Ewwwww!!!!!

I also got the chance to visit the milk factory and sample their latest flavor ice cream.

Tiramisu Flavor ice cream from 'Umm!!!...Milk' really delicious.

Then all of us was brought around the farm with wagon. WTH! Its my dreams to sit on this kind of wagon. Another fulfilling dream trip. I love the view around the farm. But when passing by the cow farm......ewwww!!!!! My nose was hit by strong cow dunk smells. Buekkkk!!!! Lucky it only smells when we reach certain area.

The wagon stop at some area for photo session. While everybody moving towards the field nearby....Me... aiming at the tractor pulling the wagon. I wanna climb up but nobody will take photo for me. I was so shy to ask people to snap my photo. So I took a selfie from bottom.

The Thai lady who drove the wagon saw me. She quietly signal me to hop up and told me in Thai she will snap my photo.

There you go.....the latest Cow Girl at Farm Chokchai. Hehehe.... I even dream about this at night because I was so happy. Hahaha....

Hop on the wagon again and this time it stop at this area with lots of interesting attraction like worms place which I totally avoided. Then they have some crazy horses and behind of this area there is this huge flower field. OMG! Super duper my dreams came true.

There is horse, cowboy and dog show later. The guide ask us to visit the worms place. Who in the right mind want to see the worms? I don't need a nightmare! I bought ice cream from nearby cafe and walk towards the flowers field. The feeling at that time ...enjoying ice cream with pleasant view in front of me??? Super duper awesome afternoon..I ever had in my life.

Here come the horse and dog shows. I am not really fancy with this type of show because to me this kind of hurt animal. So I just walk around the place enjoying the view. There you go...interesting experience at Farm Chokchai.

If you interested to enjoy 1.5 hours farm tour experience just email : to book the slot you interested to join. Visit their official website at for Farm tour schedule. If I am not mistaken no tour on Monday.

5. The Chocolate Factory

I would skip this if I knew its going to be just this. But for those who love to enjoy chocolate and buy some of its fresh made products may do a quick drop by for some shopping.

Its just a cafe, workshop and some restaurant. I bought that Dark Chocolate Brownie Crackers and it cost me freaking RM20 plus for one pack. WTH! I just spent?

6. Palio

This place is an Italian themed shopping place with more than 100 stores, restaurants and many more. It is interesting wandering around this place like walking through a small town in Tuscany.

They even have clock town, baroque-style buildings covered in ivy , a manicured garden and a replica of the famous Bocca Della Verita which is a carving in Rome. I spent wandering around for almost an hour. Feeling like I am lost in Italian village or something. 

Transportation in Khao Yai , I booked it through this website

Other attractions in Khao Yai is to visit their National Park and some famous water fall too. I would have do this if they don't require any jungle trekking. My purpose to visit Khao Yai this time is to have peace of mind and relaxation trip. Glad that, I really did this and enjoy every moment here. I may visit this place again soon.

I will talk about the place I stay in Khao Yai in my next post. Serious its beautiful and dreams came true sleeping in fairy tales alike place.


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